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Do Car Mags size up?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Car mags need more...

    • Models, hell yea!
    • Personal Stories
    • Cars for crying out loud!
  2. 2. Best "Import Car" magazine

    • Super Street
    • Sport Compact Car
    • HCI
    • All the other random ones..

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Ok, now that i have your attention. Does everybody enjoy all the "girl models" in car magazines? I mean honestly, i buy a car mag for the cars. If i want hot chicks, ill go to the bar or pick up a playboy. Also, I think the mags should shift focus from the car towards the owner a little more. Maybe a story about how the person got the car to that spec, you know? I guess my real question is.....



Do you by the mags for the cars or the girls?


Everytime i go racing, i dont have hot models all over my car, posing in the "put it in my butt" stance. Am i hanging out at the wrong spots?

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I don't buy weight lifting magazines to see ads about enhancing the size of my penis, I don't buy Playboy to see all the watch and cigarette ads, I don't buy hunting magazines to see Snuff and lifted trucks, and so I do not care about seeing fake women who can't even spell the word car covering up my view of a gorgeous car. If you really are a car buff, the cars in there should be enough to get you jollies going. But then again when I was twelve I used to turn to the underwear section of the SEARS catalogue so I guess everyone has their things :thumbsup:

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The thing about society, whether it be America or any other country, is that sex sells. Having girls in skimpy clothes is what they want...also what probablyt most of us viewers want. Since the car scene is mostly male dominant, why not right? I sure as hell don't mind seeing girls in skimpy clothes. Ever since I picked up my 1st car magazine, my left hand has been larger than my right for some reason.

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Hahahaha, I'm with TL on this one. Well, except for the larger hand part >_< . I like reading the mags for the car and the featured rides, but don't mind the models at all. How many people would buy the amgazine without the girl on the cover ? Like half of the people who buy it is because that is the first thing that they see.


Import Tuner, Turbo Magazine, HCI, and D Sport are good magazines.

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i voted for, need more cars!! because if i wanted girls, you can always get a porno


i was in love with import tuner like 7-8 years ago, the cartoon maxboost was like 2 pages and i had to buy all of them to see what happens..o:)

i think it all started when i think he wanted a souped up rice rocket, when his mom got him a green dx with a bow on top.. :ph34r:

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Thread Poll about hot chicks. Yet I see no pictures of said hot chicks.



This thread...:(




How are we supposed to vote with no comparative data. Article with no model vs. article with model. How is statistical sampling error calculated?

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"Sex sells".......you know what else sells? Violence. Now i'm all about violence and sex when it's in the correct forum aka videogames, movies, tv, etc. and YES it does sell, but if both of them sell, why is sex the only one used to death......"smoke cigarettes screw this model, buy this watch screw this model, wear these underwear screw this model, buy these breath mints screw this model, drive this car and she's yours!" I think sex is sold too much what about violence, it's time for violence! I want to see dismembered body parts all over that badass car, i want guns in the trunk and a chainsaw up front hell yeah! Violence sells.... and Sex sells, maybe that guy should kill that chick and screw her on the hood of that car that'd be awesome!


My point......just show me the f*cking car please, A thank you :thumbsup:

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you are a frackin crazy ass.



yeah, normally i wouldn't even care if the girls are in the mags or whatever. However, i'm now biased after spending 5 months in Iraq when all they seem to show on 'military' cable is a chick flick like Sweet Home Alabama or the Wedding Planner that you just so happen to be watching with like 3000 other horny ass guys who haven't seen 'action' (i.e. sex) in a loooooong time talking about how freakin' HOT 'that chick' is on t.v. and how they all would DO her. That phrase of "i would do her" is heard atleast 20-30 times a day, whether it be commercials, posters, magazines, internet, recruiting pamphlets from the 1950s.......doesn't matter they say it. Just Ask TurboLancer he knows too :thumbsup:


Case in point.....i need to get home to my fiance and _____________ (use your imagination here)


Wouldn't you be disgruntled if you couldn't ---drink, have sex, drive your own car, drive over 20 miles per hour, or even have porn ( that includes looking at maxim, victoria secret, or stuff magazine online!) all the while people are trying to END you (that means blow you up >_< )


That being said, i'm PROUD to have served my country over here so you guys can enjoy those freedoms (and i can't wait to get back to enjoy those too!) Thanks for hearing me vent :p

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The man upstairs gave you 2 hands. Use them wisely




I pray for you guys out there all the time..at least every sunday at church. Bush is slowly taking troops out of Iraq, right? But at the same time he is sending some over there..

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hang on a minute let me get this straight? some people here are bothered by seeing girls in car mags?

ok i'd understand if you was a girl yourself fair enough, but then if your a guy, are you bothered by girls walking around at cruises or car shows? an what difference does it make its not like there is a limit on the pages in a mag?? plus there are mags out there souly on cars an car an i think they a bit mind nulling, lookin through 100 pages of just cars, as much as i like cars, its nice to have a fit girl poppin to some of the pages bit of a time out.. its a bit odd a straight guy would complain about something like that

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why do you have to attack people's sexual preferences to get a point across? in order to make a real arguement, present facts there buddy. Its kinda like lookin through a play boy, then seeing a big add with a penis on it saying "make your weiner 20 inches longer!". you didnt get the mag to look at penis enlargement pills. and by the way, its a poll. <Turbolancer flings poo>

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