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This lady is crazy.


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people like that are the reason i enjoy being an athiest. when you actually sit down and try to talk to them they just tell you that you will be punished for insulting the all mighty.


that woman is fawking crazy.

i'm religious, but then again, my opinion on religion is MY opinion. i believe in god as how i want to, not how catholics see it. i believe to get into heaven, i need to follow my own path of goodness, not how catholics see it. i support athiests, buddhists, hindus, jews, islamics, anyone. if you have a belief or religion and follow it, good for you. everyone needs some kind of inspiration, and if thats how you want to go with your inspiration, through religion or non religious beliefs, that is, then thats awesome. why do i believe in jesus? well, its not a doubt that the man died on a cross like he did, suffering for days. maybe truely he was just a man, nothing holy, nothing more, but thats not the point. the fact that he died, how he died, what he suffered, just to give something for others to beleive in is truely awesome, and thats my inspiration.


you're athiest? thats cool, we should talk sometime.


but that bitch needs to die.



Thank god for the guy who kills that bitch.


no crap. i live in iowa, all the more sooner a letter bomb can arrive 8)

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The word agnosticism comes from the greek word gnosis, which means knowledge. When you put the greek letter alpha or out "a" before it, this gives you the opposite of the term. So gnosis means knowledge and agnosis means lack of knowledge, or ignorance. A theist is someone who believes in a god, while an "a"theist is someone who does not believe in a god. Of course, you can detect the inherent contradiction in an absolute agnosticism. After all, the agnostic is in knowledge. We can be certain that we know we are uncertain. (still with me?) So true knowledge of something is possible, and now the agnostic is open to being questioned: How can you embrace with certainty an absolute or radical priciple of uncertainty in knowledge? Of course the answer is: You can't. Agnosticism as an entire epistemological position, that attempts to embrace the idea that we cannot be certain of possessing any true knowledge, is a contradiction.


I don't want to offend any atheist's with this post, I am just curious as to why some of you don't believe in a God. I will say straight up that I am a christian, but do not hold myself above anyone else. This lady is wrong, and just because she can't get her facts straight doesn't mean that all christians are like this. peace.

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Well put man


I also am Christian now, but was "atheist" until about 2.5 years ago. Now I can't imagine life without God in it.



One entry found for atheist.



Main Entry: athe·ist

Pronunciation: 'A-thE-ist

Function: noun

: one who believes that there is no deity

- athe·is·tic /"A-thE-'is-tik/ or athe·is·ti·cal /"A-thE-'is-ti-k&l/ adjective

- athe·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb





and that crazy lady is just plain crazy.

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I just don't understand why some people just automatically refer to themselves as an "atheist" when they don't even know what it means. Everyone believes in something, so I just want to know why they are so uncertain about what to believe and what not to believe. Once again, I do not want to offend anyone with my views.

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I am a Catholic.

Religion is improtant, but I hate people like that.


me too. I hate how catholicism is so sexist though. I wonder how god feels about what that lady(wait, she doesn't deserve to be called a lady), bitch is saying about him. she is really fugly too.

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