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Scariest moment of your life.


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i dec. i got in a wreck in the middle lane of a three lane highway and the airbag came out and busted me upside the head,my car was full of smoke and i couldnt see,the car behind me her horn got stuck and my door was smashed in and got stuck and nobody would help me out!!!!!! that to me was really to freakin scary!!!!

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when i stole a golf cart with my cousin from a course at night then crashed it into a ditch and totally screwed it up. The cops came the next morning and we had to talk to them and the head of the camp. It was on a vacation 2 years ago. I was scared craptless. I still don't know who ratted us out...

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I was in a friend's car and we spun out doing about 95 down a two lane divided road with no shoulder. Fortunately nobody else was on the road. Well.. obviously. We wouldn't be dumb enough to do it in traffic. We were hauling at 95 down this road in a '98 GSX and the back wheels just gave out around a corner. We missed a sign by about 2 feet, then proceeded to do a 540 in the ditch and parallel park it between two trees and a electricity meter.


You couldn't have parked it any better.


As for the car, and us, no damage whatsoever.


Luckiest. kids. alive.


Other than that.. when I was riding in a golf cart my friend flipped it. I wasn't really that scared, it just sucked.

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i've almost dies a few times, but i've never really been to scared about it. not trying to sound like a hardass, but when crap happens, if theres nothing i can do about it, freaking out doesnt help.

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i was in same situation before attaus , in my buddies 86 crx. he had 15" wheels on it , and thought it was an F-1 car. we were doin 145 km/h , so like almost 90 mp/h i beleve on an old twisty country road when all the sudden the rear wheels didnt like it anymore sent us into a nascar sideways slide for like 120 feet at least , huge cloud of smoke , and we came to rest with front bumper on yellow middle line and rear against shoulder of road. cars still goin by oncomming vroom vroom , lucky. on the 86 crx note , lol , i been in like 10 wrecks at least , lol , we were on a road trip , about 350 miles from home. we went to this bar with friends of my buddies friends. we left the bar and proceeded to leave this full size ford F150 that his buddies were in in dust. 4 lane road 2 each way , were in right lane and buddy laying across the back of this crx behind us decides we need to go left , so my buddy forgetting about the full size ford still thinkin were racing , cuts across the left lane to vear left and POW , ford smoked us wide open , spun us 2 360's and came to rest against a lampole. tore drivers rear wheel right off , he hit us quarter panel. i got more , some worse , but too much typing. that was the first honda we laid to rest , lol.

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Hmm. scariest moment...I'm not sure about that,but the best wreck i was in was when I was 14. my buddy who was 13 was driving a '96 camry (brand new at the time) took a 25mph curve at 85mph. fliped it end over end 2 times, then side to side for a bit. came to rest on the roof about 1/4 mile down the road. I got knocked out, woke up when buddy next to me unhooked my seatbelt and i landed on my head. last thing i remember was grass flying in my face... thinking that was odd. lol . any way like no more than 10 seconds before we wrecked I had turned to the guy sitting next to me in the back and said " hey lets throw on our seatbelts" no way in hell we would have lived without em. we all walked back into town (was in the country)


I knew a guy that died on the same curve a few years later. he wasn't wearing seatbelt. ejected from car, car rolled on top of him.

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i've almost drowned 3 times.


funny thing is that im a good swimmer....?


I've almost drowed 6 times once was when i was wearing a life jacket which didn't work, but thats not my scariest moment. yeah i can't swim


My mate desided he's shout out stuff in russian have no idea what he said he was pissed i wasn't so about 15-20 other pissed(drunk) guys desided they want to throw punches at us, I was oh crap how do i get myself this one I was hoping that my mate being a muscle man would work some magic but he got ko'd in 2 punches and left me to take the rest of them. luckly another group of guys come along and stuck up for us cause when they got there it was just me being punched all over. ( I got the homer syndrome my skulls to thick to get knocked out) they where like 'why the fawk you pickin on one guy, so i took that oppotunity to pick my mate and leg it. I must of done 0-10000000 warp speed in 0.000001secs

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It was last summer when my moment happened. I was bored one day and I called one of my friends to see if he wanted to go grab a bite to eat. I jumped on my motorcycle and went on my little way. Got to the restrant and all was good. After eating we went out on this little road behind the place and started messin around on our bikes, doing wheelies, stoppies, just whatever we could think of to kill time. Then I told him my bike needed gas and he followed me across the high way to fill up. After that (and I hated it when this ever happened with anyone) he looked me dead in the eye and was like be careful dude. So while riding home, I'm in the chicken lane (turning lane to those of you that don't know what that is) and the right two lanes are bumper to bumper. I see this huge white van, and the guy is looking in his driver side mirror, I know he see's me, but he usher's this car through the traffic. She pulls out in front of me and it scared me all to hell. I lock down the front brakes and end up dumping my bike, I never hit the car or anything like that but when I got up I took my helmet off and threw it at the van and left a big ass dent in the side of it. Then the guy sped away like a little punk.



I have another story about me and the same guy on our bikes but it's just as long, not sure you guys wanna hear it

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It was raining outside and i was coming back from the track with slicks on....and did a 360 and ended up facing traffic on the expressway...oh yea...now that was a piss in the pants moment >_<

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yeah for me scarier times is when your loved ones are in trouble.


yep second that.


although on a silly coweds note. I was on a motorway and you can see the theme park rides all is good till you look UP at the new one. atleast 3 times bigger/taller then the other big ones. I can't wait to go :D

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well me and my old man were out on our boat, about 5 miles out into the ocean. we were heading back in, but there was this massive thunderstorm mushroom right over the port we were headed to, and it was moving toward us, lightning bolts hitting land everywhere. we screwed as fast as hte boat could move to the side, but didnt even come close to getting out of its way. once we were under it, we just said fawk it and drove right through it. well we stopped for a second, and i looked at him and he said you have to put the antenna down. i walked up teh side of the boat and as i reached to grab the antenna, the hair on my back and arms started to stick up, so i panicked and jsut pulled the antenna over, and me and my old man ran into the cabin, his hair was all sticking up too. we were jsut sitting in teh cabin and the static went away. thats mine. the worst part of that is if you feel static under a thunderstorm, it usually means your about to get whacked.


oh yea and gworthy unit, that also happened to me when i was on teh reefer. i hit off a bong, and sat for a little with my bud and he left. after he left it hit me out of no where, so i was scared crapless for like a half na hour by myself. worst feeling ever. i stopped smokin reefer about 8 months ago, because i got anxiety and depression from it. finnally the anxiety stopped about 2 momths ago and i havent had any problems since that, so i probably wont smoke again.

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.now that was a piss in the pants moment >_<


speaking of going to the bathroom...


In 7th grade I didn't want to use my school's public bathroom, back then i was terrified for some reason. So I held it all day, until I got on the bus.


Half way through the ride i just let loose and shat my shorts in front of everyone.


Smelled terrible too, I took a lot of crap for that too...shhh don't tell.

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Tim's story about a boat reminded me of when I caught 9+ feet of air on my jet ski at 45 mph. I was following this cruiser and at the time I thought that the wake near the motor was good, but not huge. So I hit the wake at about 3/4 throttle and just take off. I looked over and I was above the canvas of the boat (40+ foot yacht) and I was scared crapless. I hit the wake at an angle, so my ski started tipping to the left. I was so scared I was going to hit the water at that speed.. and if you know water physics, you don't just enter it at 45 mph. You skim like you just hit concrete.


The next time I went riding I followed another 40 foot cruiser and trailed his wake for a while (he was enjoying watching me jump) and the guy pulls a SHARP 180. He cranked that mfer. My cousin was on the back egging me on, and I told him that I was going to wait for the wake to collide, so that it formed a wall. You know me.. always going big. So I floor it and get encircled in 5 ft walls.. literally.. if you saw me from a distance, no doubt I would've disappeared. I was afraid the wake might take my ski under, which would suck balls (the lake is 600 feet deep). So I hit this 5+ foot wall and, because I wasn't going fast enough, I just crashed through it. At 30 mph. Water went everywhere.. I almost slid off because so much had covered the seat. That was intense.. but, again, that's why I love jet skiing.

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im bored, almost ran over a honda civic to day on the interstate, i was moving a d-6(bulldozer) from albany to my house and he pulled out in front of me, i think i scared the poor kid, i hit the jake pretty fast and stepped on the brakes, starting my dirtbike track tommarow with the dozer and an excavator, hopefully be done by sun, who knows

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