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Scariest moment of your life.


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Northridge eartquake of 94 and.... The time I spun out at 105 and slid so hard that i blew a tire off of the rim and spun to a halt... That was some fracked up crap lemme tell ya...

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I've had plenty of close car experiences, but the scariest think I've done was my friend convinced me to eat some acid which I never done, and went to Mall of America, which was a bad idea, but when we finally left, I thought it was all good, until it didn't wear off and just got stronger! To make a long story short, I tripped for a day and a half, which had me thinking I was going to lose it!!!


Don't Eat Anything Paper!! :thumbsup:

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Drugs = teh gay.

That's what I said, until I graduated and had too much time, money, and peer pressure! It's sad to see all the peeps I knew back them, that still do them! Worthless fools!


Just make sure you stick to your guns!

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I got hit by a car that was going about 35. I was the pedestrian and when it hit me I was in a dream of green clouds (Seriously). Like I thought I could see the green clouds and headlights and cars floating in the air, I seriously thought I was about to die. I woke up sticky with blood, and the ambulance took me to the hospital.

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