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What do you do to prank/get revenge on people. Some dude was hitting on my G/F so I disconnected his tie rod ends and he slammed into a brick wall. I also started a small fire under this one kids car who said I was fat and it melted everything plastic in his engine compartment.

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havnt done anything too serious but ive always wanted to take someones front seats out. it was just my friends birthday and i got a couple hundred hole punches, put them in his air vents, turned it on defrost, cranked it up to full air, so when he turned the car on it snowed.

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agreed, thats stupid.


but i did do kinda like ITR girl did. some idiot got drunk at my cousins grad party a few years back way out in bum fracked egypt, and we didn't want him there so we jacked his car up, took the tires off, and threw the lugnuts away. he got plastered and when he woke up, he found the jack was still there so he was like "yeah dude, some motherfracker took my wheels off last night! they're frackin stupid though cause they left the jack and tire iron"


we had a good laugh when he was looking for like an hour for the lugnuts

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Spray the crap out of some mace under their door handles. When they rub their face it's on their hands and PLOW! BURNAGE!!


Pour linseed oil in their gas tank, their car will run frackin awesome for a few days, right before their internals melt into each other


If they have a moonroof/window open light some smoke bombs and throw into their car, and it stains the crap out of their interior


Piss down their windshield so every time they turn on the heat it reeks of piss


Jack up someone's car, take off their rims, then lower the car back down on the rims, (for a better effect only leave them 3 wheels, take the lug nuts)


Hmm, that's all I've got for now...

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yeah i play mild jokes on my friends cars, its all harmless. but if you got a problem with someone, dont mess with their car. thats just lame. and if you cant say something to their face then go sit on your thumb.

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that blows.


this bosnian and his buddies beat the crap outta this kid i knew, for no reason, so one night these kids (my friends) found the main bosnian dudes car broke down along the freeway (eclipse with ALOT of cash to the exterior) so they got some boulders that were about the size of a bowling ball and threw them at the car at about 70 mph.


i would never do something like that, but they fracked that car up.

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I draw penises on peoples cars when it snows, or if thier car is dirty. It's the thing to do around here. Sometimes i'll add a caption under it saying "penismobile" or something like that.

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