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whats even better was it ended up snowing that night, so nobody knew about it until they sat in there car, and saw the guys spread eagle on there windsheilds.



and this one girl had it on her sunroof for like half the day before she found it.

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worst prank iv ever been in, my cousin let the air out of a trooper car tires,(the trooper was in the bar for some domestic thing) well any ways we wanted to see the trooper chase my cousin w/ flat tires, my cousin started spinning donuts in the parking lot, lost control and hit the trooper car, he ended up with unsafe driving, and a dwi, other then that hes pretty lucky, i was hoping to see a good show but o well,

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hahahahah wow that would have been awesome. but damn busted. thers some kids here who stole a cops jacket at a school play or something. then they were smart enough to wear it around town and obviously got caught

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me and some buddies were cruising around 2 weeks ago, and a bunch of us stopped at the gas station (also the turn around of the cruising) to chill out and talk, then my friend hauls balls out of the gas station and says

"hey, if y'all want your cars searched and your time taken, then stay, but otherwise get the f*ck outta here cause some douche jacked that sheriffs jacket out of his car and he's starting to search everyones car"


lol, idiots.


in defense of cops, i kinda wanted to be a cop, most people see them as buttheads, but MOST of them are cool with most people, and they have a hard job and put themselves on the line every day and night. give em a break.

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i dunno, cops over here, most of them are just buttheads. tickets for 35 in a 30 and just stupid crap. out west though they were a lot different. talked to one and he said thats the rep for east coast cops.


i was at the jerz beach with my brother, went to the boardwalk (rides, games, casinos and crap) put time in the meter, set my watch so we wouldnt be late, got back 5 minutes early with a ticket on our window. there was still time on the meter, and the ticket was written 8 minutes before we got there. so we found a cop with the ticket pack in his back pocket asked him if he was writing tickets 'nope' bullcrap. so we had to pay the ticket because we would have to drive back 2 months later on a wednesday to fight the ticket

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im a part time sherrif,(winter) i wont give a ticket unless theyre being a complete d*ck or 11+ mph over the speed limit, ny baby,


thats a good cop. especially when speed limits have been 50mph for the last 60 years. cars are sooooo much safer now. in my moms new car you go 80 and it feels like 50 and youre not out of control. i think speed limits should be bumped up like 10mph.

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in upstate ny the speed limit is 65 on the interstates, 74+ill ticket you ass, no seriously,


i hate patrolling, very dangerous, but now our new cars have licence plate scanners and we can find out who the car is registered under, and basically their whole background from the car, its pretty handy acctually, (plus we dont have to hand write tickets any more, we can print them and everything)

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i used to live in n.j about 20 mins. from atlantic city and cops there write tickets for like 2-3 mph over the speed limit!!!! i hated it.....i live in ks now and u can pass a cop going like 80 in a 70 w/o getting pulled over as long as u are'nt all over the road

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i meant when people are going 40 in a 50 for no reason, then people try to pass them. especially around here in the winter. out of staters just dont know how to drive with snow. they drive 25 in a 50 then people hit their brakes and slide.

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