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I hate death


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School was tough today. Everyone was upset. I just look at it like you said Mike, life is like a roller coaster, it has to go up sometime or other because it can't get worse. Thank you for your help everyone, especially you SolLes.

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yeah man, that sucks bro. like solLes said, chin up.



whats the odds of two people within two weeks having the same condition? i'd stop eatin the food at your school or somethin...

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hey bro, i hadnt read this thread until just now. im sorry bro. when it rains it pours. just when it seems crap cant get worse it does.


you shouldnt feel responsible for your friend dying. alot of people do drugs, and theres nothing you can do about it.



stay strong bro, things will begin to clear up as crapty as it is right now, it will get better.




also, i dont know if your religous, but go to church. im not religious at all, but i beleive in god and goinng to church when i feel really crapty helps me cheer up.

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I'm with Sexy.. When I go I do feel better. But then again, things happen for a reason man. Sometimes we just have to let things go and not dwell. I know it's hard, but things can't be perfect man, but they will definitely get better than what they are now.


BTW- HF is always here for you brotha !

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