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I f*cking lost my job today because I gave my best friend/a former employee the employee discount. My manager was so cool about it though, he said that I was one of the best employees he had ever worked with and he'd give me a good reference. SSR, it might take some time for the trans now but the down payment should get to you within the next five days.

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Hey back when I was like 17/18 I thought $9 an hour was good! Now that I work for myself I can't imagine that crap! It's nice cause when you see the bank statment it makes you bust your ass even more to expand and make that stament nicer!!! Last year the interest I made on my checking accounts was enough to pay most all of my income tax!!! 8)



That sounded kinda crapty sorry, didn't mean to sound like I was braggin!

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HOLY BALLS. I applied at CC. They said "at this time we don't have a position that fits your something..." I am so pissed. And as long as I make minimum wage (which is $7 here) and get like 17 hours a week, I'll be happy.

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