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i think it's pretty crapty that a movie was made about this. that's american capitalism at its finest. it would be ok if some of the profits from the movie went to help the families who lost people in the 9/11 attacks, but they're not...they're going into the pockets of the producers and directors. it just pisses me off to see people making millions of dollars at the expense of over a thousand people that died.

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it's too early for a movie like this. people are still mourning the loses of their loved ones, the last thing they need is a full reinactment of the biggest American Tragedy....im not going to see it, not yet.

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it's too early for a movie like this. people are still mourning the loses of their loved ones, the last thing they need is a full reinactment of the biggest American Tragedy....im not going to see it, not yet.


I agree completely and won't support the movie unless they are donating like 80% off the profits to the families of the deceased from 9/11. Look how long it took before you saw a movie about Vietnam....what 2 or 3 decades? I just think it's way too soon for a movie about this.....it's only been 5 years.

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I want to see it but they are deffinetly not getting my finacial support for the fact that this money isn't going to the families of the lost ones, I'm in the army and I would love to see this money going to the families taht we are fighting for. I'l just download it. LOL

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I'm not going to see it, the reason being is I don't really care about that movie, what is the movie going to show me that the mainstream media hasnt showed me, some B.S Story about 1! specific person that made a difference, no thanks, the creators of this movie have no pity on those that suffered and died, they believe fistfulls of money is way more important...i can go on, but no thanks, i'll pass.....BUT HEY HOW BOUT THAT TALEDAGA NIGHTS...I wanted to go see that...

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I'll be picking it up as soon as it's released on DVD, but I won't be going to the theater to see it for the reason that you mentioned, sohc.


BTW, apparently 4 9/11 related charities are receiving funds from the movie. ( wtcmovie.com , go to Charity ).


Sir's comments pretty much reassure my opinion of the movie not being "too soon". (Sure, it's just under 5 years, but in this day in age it very well could have come out a year afterwards, not to mention that there have been numerous t.v. specials about it -- none of which I ever recall hearing were too soon.) This entire area was greatly affected by the attack on the towers. Yeah, I'm sure the media coverage was just as extensive across the country, but it's rare for it to really "hit home" with someone who isn't from these areas, or who didn't have someone who was in the area that day or who was in the towers that day.


Caspers - Umm, 9/11 and the war in Iraq aren't related. Money is going to 9/11 charities. I couldn't see proceeds from it going to the war efforts any more than I could see it going to the Katrina aftermath.


b16b - Over 1,000 people have died in the war. Closer to 3,000 died in the towers.

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actually hung there was a movie made about vietnam before it was over , lol. but i hear yas , its bullcrap. you guys wanna see whats really going on , than watch farenheit 911 , and i highly reccomend finding (downloading or finding it) , loose change 2. loose change 2 is an awsome documentary and hits the nail right on the head.

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michael moore edits things to make George W. look a lot dumber than he really is...let's not start this Farenheit 9/11 conversation...its bulllcraptttt


I never saw it, but I think it would be pretty hard to make W. look dumber than he is. From what I know of Farenheit, it doesn't deal with people and their families who were in the towers, so how is that relevant to this movie?

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i dont see the big deal


Born on the 4th of july was made like what? 1978?


that was like 10 years after Vietnam war.


Everyone loved that movie. It was well put together for an older movie.


i'll probably get around to seeing WTC in a couple years but im not going to see it in the movies.

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Well obviously it's all about personal opinion. CivicRacingGirl can't really say that it's not to soon anymore than I can say that it is. To me, it's way too soon, to her it's not. It's all about how each person feels about the situation. I personally couldn't imagine how I'd feel if I'd lost family and then have to relive it. Quite possibly I could feel honored, or possibly depressed......who knows. It's too soon for me and I would love to know how much is being donated from the proceeds of the movie. That might make me want to support it more, but I'd guess it's around 5 percent of profits....if that.

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5% of the what 500 million would me a million dollars donated to 10k families.



100 dollars isnt much for 10k families..


should be way more that that, like 20-50%.


10,000 to 100,000 each family would be a good deal's amount of what they have suffered through.

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97, if you lost a family member, would 10,000 or 100,000 make you feel better? I don't know about you, but no amount of money would make me feel better about losing anyone close to me.


Hung, the families relive it at least once a year, and there are a couple of channels that are usually running specials on it pretty often enough. 5 years really isn't much time though in today's media-crazed world. Just think of all of the other events that happen, and then a week or two later, some lame TV show has made it their storyline for that episode (murders, natural disasters, terrorists, etc.). You are right, it is a personal opinion, but it had to at least be expected.

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Yeah, somehow I don't think money would make the situation any better.. maybe a portion could go to the memorial..?


You have to understand that the actors/director/produces spent a loooong time making this movie, and can't just donate all of the money to the families. It would be nice if they could, but that just won't happen. I'd be happy to see a portion go to some charity..

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just to be fair, i believe 10% of the profits through the weekend (which to you people that say 'the weekend? why not the whole runnning?' because the first weekend makes the most money) will be donated to a 9/11 memorial fund. the producers and directors came out publicly and said that it was not made for profit, but to tell a true story so that people can see first hand through someones eyes that actually experienced it.


read about it before you comment.


i however, regardless, think its retarted they're making a movie about it. same with 'flight 93'

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does anyone know if this movie follows just one character or does it just reinact the events, not focusing on one or two major characters?


It's supposed to deal a lot with the two men: one fireman, one policeman i believe - from goshen, ny (very close to me) and clifton, nj, and their families. I would imagine that it deals with the entire tragedy at the towers, but who knows -- except sohc. BTW, sohc, did they show the jumpers at all? I don't want to know any more about it until I see it, but I was curious as to whether they would include this or not.



Attaus is correct in that it had to take a lot of money to create the film, so it would be pretty much impossible to donate a large portion of the proceeds since they need to recoup the loss. And we all know that it would be too much to ask for any major corporations to sponsor the movie (and without overdoing it on the branding) so that more could be donated.



Thanks, mountaindew, for clarifying for everyone about the proceeds. It's going to be so strange when the memorial finally goes up. Hell, it's so strange to see the Path train going through the site again, especially with some of the wreckage still surrounding it.

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