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World Trade Center.


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Damn, its been five years, I would think it was cleaned up by now. Or are they leaving it there for memorial or something?


No idea. I'm sure some of the mess is from the current construction, but who knows about the rest.

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I remember seeing ground zero in Feb '02. I was on a business trip with my dad, and his client lived in New York. He took us around town in his H1, and we drove by ground zero and one of the guys there waved us in to drive past it. I don't know why he waved us in, maybe someone else there had an H1 or something. Well we got in right up next to the orange fence that contained ground zero. I'll never forget the looks on the people's faces who were staring at ground zero. Just so hard to imagine what happened there, and being there 5 months after the attack. We took pictures on a floppy disc, maybe I can find them later tomorrow.

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I was thinking more about money being donated to the Fire Departments and Police Departments themselves rather than the families.


My brother died in '93 and to this day I have to relive everything, every day (not once a year). It's never something you get over and everyday it goes through your mind. My point is that it's hard enough to deal with it (13 years later even) that I couldn't imagine having to deal with it publicly and have to actually see the "reliving" on T.V. Trust me, it's hard enough dealing with it in the privacy of your own home, I couldn't imagine what they're going through. That's why I think it's too soon. The poor people just need some peace and quiet to mourn without the public getting involved. Of course I know that's impossible in this day and age, but doesn't mean I have to like it.

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its not about making them feel better like no big deal anymore it would help because the families would have one less person bringing income into the home and they couldnt afford to live how they used to before the incident.

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very good point.


9/11 was a hardship for every American. From New York to California... We saw our country torn by evil people. This movie just shows that two men saw peace amongst the horror. I also learned a lot more that I didn't even know about 9/11. But anyways it's all about the 18th and 19th persons saved... out of twenty. :( That's all. It was so touching.

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I'll be picking it up as soon as it's released on DVD, but I won't be going to the theater to see it for the reason that you mentioned, sohc.


BTW, apparently 4 9/11 related charities are receiving funds from the movie. ( wtcmovie.com , go to Charity ).


Sir's comments pretty much reassure my opinion of the movie not being "too soon". (Sure, it's just under 5 years, but in this day in age it very well could have come out a year afterwards, not to mention that there have been numerous t.v. specials about it -- none of which I ever recall hearing were too soon.) This entire area was greatly affected by the attack on the towers. Yeah, I'm sure the media coverage was just as extensive across the country, but it's rare for it to really "hit home" with someone who isn't from these areas, or who didn't have someone who was in the area that day or who was in the towers that day.


Caspers - Umm, 9/11 and the war in Iraq aren't related. Money is going to 9/11 charities. I couldn't see proceeds from it going to the war efforts any more than I could see it going to the Katrina aftermath.


b16b - Over 1,000 people have died in the war. Closer to 3,000 died in the towers.



Civicracinggrl: I completely agree with you, its fair to say that its "too soon" to create such a movie, terriosim is at one of its highest threats and well, america decides upon itself to make a movie over something that devistated hundreds to hundreds of thousands. Whos to say something worse is to come about, I mean look, just this past couple of days, terrorist planned on blowing up 10 planes that hit the U.S, if anything I believe there is far worse to come about, and just because of this movie everyone is going to think that every person at Speedway or your local gas station that wears a turban or talks middle eastern is some way related to terrorism......this movie was a ploy to hype the public and think that the United States has everything under control and they really don't they have no clue and just as dumbfounded as you and I....thats why I dislike politics and stray away from such topics....just the government finding another way to scare the innocent and reap all benefits on society

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Yea im not too into movies like that, i'll keep it to my jet li, jackie chan, and tony jaa movies....but yea like i said something worse may occur..but i like to keep that off my mind.

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i went there last year and there was a tiny bit. my relatives out in MD went out there a month after it happened and they still had the plates sitting on tables and such outside of resteraunts, with food, silverware, etc... there still covered in dust from where people just got up and ran. sad.

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World Trade Center Trailer


my eyes teared up during this, i don't think i would make it through the entire movie.


I hear that. I haven't been able to watch the complete trailer. They had it on The Da Vinci Code, but I had to look away, and when I see the tv trailers, I usually have to look away too. You're only a few hours away, so you should go sometime. I guess I'm not one to talk though, since it wasn't until our last trip into the city that I actually saw the site since the towers were standing. I was in there a few times when the lights were up, but never actually got that close.



97accordjdm - I'm not sure about port authority officers (if that's what the two men depicted in the movie were), but I think that police and paid firefighters families receive compensation from the departments regardless.



On a side note, I feel bad for anyone who never got to see in person the NYC skyline when the towers were still standing. It's still the best skyline of any city, but it's just not the same.

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