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1993 Honda Accord LX Auto - Hard to move gear box


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Hey guys, 1st of: this is my 2nd Honda car and i'm 100% a Honda fan. 1st Honda was a 1988 Honda Prelude 2.0 SI [which i still have] and now my 93 acc.


anyways my problem is that, to take the car out of P is very hard. Sometimes i have to use 2 hands to get the gear box to come out of P. to move to the other gears once is out of P is no problem. And also to put it back into P is a little tight but not as much as taking out of P. A friend said that the cable might need lubrication so i removed the center console and i sprayed WD-40 and it did make it easier but after a day or so is back to being hard. Once you drive the car, is no problem getting it out of P but if the car sits for an hr or so it becomes hard again.


Any suggestions as to what i can do to fix this?


Thanks in Advance

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open it back up and see if you can put in grease or oil. Sometimes if you take your car apart (mostly interior), you'll notice there is this yellowish grease that will take a long time, if that, to dry out. add that to your cable and see if it solves your problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
open it back up and see if you can put in grease or oil. Sometimes if you take your car apart (mostly interior), you'll notice there is this yellowish grease that will take a long time, if that, to dry out. add that to your cable and see if it solves your problem.



Sorry about the late reply.


I removed the center console and is hard wether the car is off or on, so i dont think is a tranny issue. Is hard between the P and the R [literally between]. I noticed the yellowish grease thing, i didnt touch it to see if it was hard or not, but i sprayed WD-40 on both the linkage cable and on the side, and is still hard. It did make it a little smoother but after a few hrs it went back to being rough.


If possible i might take a video to show what i mean.


any ideas or suggestion?


i also tried using the Shift Release key thing and is still hard. I read on one of the posts from here that if the front motor mount is bad that it might cause the box to be hard. My front motor mount is bad and i haven't had a chance to replace it just yet. Could the FMM really be causing this? even if the car is off [ACC mode]?



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