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Gunmetal OEM rims photoshoot.


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Well about two weeks ago I got boared so I took my OEM rims to my friends house where I sanded them down, sandblasted them and used a bunch of Gunmetal wheel paint from Advanced Auto Parts and also alot of clear coat, I was happy with the way they turbed out, lookie.


OEM Gunmetal Prelude rims FTMFW


My grille.


My ass.


Yours truely.


My prelude seats are sooooo comfortable, I want Brides though.

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wow those look good. I might do that to my rims now... hmmm how long did it take you?

Thanks bro, they only took me about a total of 5 hours to sand, sandblast and paint, took so long becuase I had to wait a while between each coat, you should do it to yours though, I have always like the GSR fat fives.

And to RapperBasher, age doesn't mean a whole lot around here, respect does, I will be 19 in a few months, the majority of the people on here are pretty young.

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