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Door jammed on 90 Accord...need help


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Hi, Noo-b here with a door problem. I am no longer able to open my driver side door anymore. One day before going to work I started up my car to warm it up in the morning than got out to get my backpack... when I came back the I wasn't able to open the door. It's been like this for 2 months now! I have to get in by going thru the passenger side door. Talk about ghetto. I have opened the inside door panel and tried pulling the cables to unlock and open but no luck. I took it to a body shop and they said the would have to bust the door, remove it and then get a new one. They would charge me $400 for the service.


What's kind of wierd is that a couple of days ago I saw a lady driving a 4th gen Accord go into her passenger door to get to the driver seat just like me! I guess I'm not the only one so I was wondering if anyone here has experienced the same problem. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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one time a friend of mine closed the seatbelt thingy (metal part) on the passenger side of my car. pissed me off cause i thought something was seriously wrong with my car. all i did was ram the door and it popped right open.


when you took apart the door did you try to pull the handle to see if the latch was moving?

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are you talking about like.. the door handle doesn't spring back in place when you pull it?? know what im talking about?? it happened to my friends civic. i was pulling the handle to open the door and suddenly, i heard a pop...like a spring flew out of place or something. after i heard that pop, i pulled on it again to try to open the door but the handle stayed outward instead of springing back in in place.

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yeah tl, that happened to my friends civic...don't know how to fix it though. but thats not what he's talking about, his door won't even open. it just stays shut.


only thing i can think of is that the actual latch that holds the door shut on that metal bar thing is probably messed up. i don't think you need a whole new door (unless that one has a really huge stratch on it and its dented to hell..) you just need to mess with the latch with a screwdriver or something. feel like taking apart the door again?

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ex95 has it right. I can't open the door at all. It's already taken apart and pretty beat up so I think I'll need a new door or a new inside door handle. I've tried popping the latch with a screw driver but the ish and budging. I think maybe somthing got stuck in between the latch and its' keeping it from opening. I dunno. I thought it might be a common problem. Damn.

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yeah dude. might just need a little lube to get un-stuck. although, i wouldn't try too hard to get the thing to open cause what if it isn't just stuck...what if the actual latch is messed up and once you open it it won't re-latch and its stuck open. then you'd really have a hard time getting all those convics to stay away from your car.

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Also, if you want I can find out for you what you can do cuz I work in a car dealership and I might just call the bodyshop and find out exactly what might be your problem. I mean if not why dont you drive your car to a bodyshop and ask them to check out what you problem might be and at no charge. So you'd have an idea and you can probably fix it yourself. I mean it doesn't hurt to try it and ask.

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hey chika, that would be cool. Please let me know what they say. I did bring it to a body shop but they told that they'd have to brake the door to get in then I would have to have them buy a used one, paint, and install it. It sounded like a rip off so I left.

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I was told that it is a common problem but that in order for them to know exactly what might've gotten it jammed you have to have someone check it out for you. They say it doesn't cost you a thing to check it out. The labor part where they have to work on it for realz might cost you. But he says that if you're lucky enough you might have someone nice enough to do it for you for free. Depends on the mood they are in. I mean try with your local Honda Bodyshop it won't hurt to try. :D

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  • 8 months later...

Hey Awsker, I got the same problem with my 1990 accord driver's side door. It wont open at all. I got to go through my passanger's side door to get into or exit my car. Really Ghetto!!! How did u solve this problem, I could take it to a dealer but first I want to know if there is any alternative. Any help would be cool cause this is driving me crazy especally since its so cold here. Thanx

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I was told that it is a common problem

Yes this is a common problem with that generation of Accords but I highly doubt the labor would be done for free. As a matter of fact the job would be quite time consuming, so I reckon it would cost alot of money to get it done at a dealer.


I own page 2

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  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem as the 2 other people who've posted here.


I have a 1990 Honda Accord LX 4 door. Last weekend the driver's side door just stopped opening. The key causes the lock to go up and down like normal, but the door still won't open from the outside or from the inside. The handle seems OK, so based on all the reasearch I've done (including internet discussion forums like this one) it appears that the problem is a faulty latch. Apparently this is a common problem with 'legacy' Hondas (1990-1993) after 10 years or more of use. I'm getting in and out of my car via the passenger side, which isn't too much fun :).


I have the repair manual for the 1990 Honda accord which gives step by step instructions (w/some pictures) for installing/removing the latch/lock assembly. Since my door is stuck in the closed position, however, I may not be able to remove the faulty latch as easily as the manual describes.


I read about other owners who had to puncture the latch 'at exactly the right location' with a 5/16 drill to disable the lock and pop the door open. Other owners have mentioned using a hammer and a chisel to break the latch and get the door open. I want to be careful to not damage the door so I can re-use it and not have to get a new door. Can anyone give detailed guidelines on how to do this 'opening of the door' procedure exactly (i.e. how to find the 'exact location' to drill, e.t.c.)?


Getting a replacement latch isn't so much the problem, it's the repair procedure!!


Any people out there who have done this or know how to do it, please help!



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  • 2 years later...
Hi, Noo-b here with a door problem. I am no longer able to open my driver side door anymore. One day before going to work I started up my car to warm it up in the morning than got out to get my backpack... when I came back the I wasn't able to open the door. It's been like this for 2 months now! I have to get in by going thru the passenger side door. Talk about ghetto. I have opened the inside door panel and tried pulling the cables to unlock and open but no luck. I took it to a body shop and they said the would have to bust the door, remove it and then get a new one. They would charge me $400 for the service.


What's kind of wierd is that a couple of days ago I saw a lady driving a 4th gen Accord go into her passenger door to get to the driver seat just like me! I guess I'm not the only one so I was wondering if anyone here has experienced the same problem. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




Just had this exact thing fixed myself - 420.00, no way around it. They had to cut the door from the outside, grind the part off and replace it. It's a broken internal spring.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I had this very same problem happen to me a few weeks ago... I didn't know what the hell the problem was so I figured that I would browse posts here on HONDAFORUMS.com. I still haven't found a 100% possible solution.


The drilling the door thing doesn't sound like a solution that i'm willing to use.




I made a decision to finally look for my self... I have noticed a few details that might help someone in the future of those of use who are still looking for a do it your self alternative.

-My locks work fine when being unlocked, but when I press the button to lock them the driver door will not lock.

-I would have like to have been able open the door from the inside of the door if only i could get in it... I need an instruction manuel that would tell me how to take the door apart. (there are no screws just poking out)

-Does anyone know where I can get the instruction on diassembaling my door? or maybe you know how to do it?


Finally while I was checking to see all the current conditions of the door. I noticed that it seems to be locked. If you lock the passenger door and pull on the handle you get no responce, from inside and out. When the door is unlocked the outer handle has some tention while you pull.


I've come to the conclustion after 5 frustrating hours of tinkering with my door that it is locked!




Somethink that there is a defect with a lock box inside the door. if you use a hanger or a rod with a hook you might be able to fix your problem. I have not been able to use this trick because I don't have a hanger or a rod. I did see what they where talking about. I was going to try the WD-40 thing cause it sounds logical, but i ran out of time to play with my car.


If any one is still trying to figure out what this problem is or you want to fix it, please let me know maybe if we can put our heads together we might be able to figure it out.

No one explanined if there doors are automatic or if the had other issues with there car.


You can either e-mail me on motophreaker@blazingimage.net or you can Instant Message me on Yahoo or AIM with the screen name MOTOPHREAKER.

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I actually had to do this repair myself.

Yes it is the latch, I found a website (sorry cant remember where) that told me to remove the door panel and where exactly to drill the hole in the latch and insert a screwdriver and it would pop right open.

Sorry but it didn't work.

I ended up drilling the latch 12 ways to Sunday. I could stick the screwdriver in and move stuff around but could not get it to pop.


It was very difficult getting a drill inside the door cavity to begin with, but not impossible.

I ended up using an air chisel and literally pulverized the latch till it finally gave in.


There was a small crack in the inside part of the door when I was finished, but hardly noticeable.


A few dollars for a used latch verses $400 from the Honda dealer.

It was a little aggravating, but worth the savings

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I actually had to do this repair myself.

Yes it is the latch, I found a website (sorry cant remember where) that told me to remove the door panel and where exactly to drill the hole in the latch and insert a screwdriver and it would pop right open.

Sorry but it didn't work.

I ended up drilling the latch 12 ways to Sunday. I could stick the screwdriver in and move stuff around but could not get it to pop.


It was very difficult getting a drill inside the door cavity to begin with, but not impossible.

I ended up using an air chisel and literally pulverized the latch till it finally gave in.


There was a small crack in the inside part of the door when I was finished, but hardly noticeable.


A few dollars for a used latch verses $400 from the Honda dealer.

It was a little aggravating, but worth the savings



WOW! That is great! You are the first person that has actually been able to open their door and share it on here with us. Not only that but you have successfully been able to open it with out complications. Besides trial and error, How did you actually do it? Is there any way that you would be willing to share this with the rest of us? Maybe some step-by-step instructions of even some pictures/diagrams? You said that you had to open the inside of the door? Was this possible while it was stick in the closed possition? Or did I just misunderstand you?

Please continue with your heroic acknowledgement of the crappy honda door. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I need to know. My door has been stuck know for a really long time and it is very shocking to my self to have to get in/out of the passanger side door to get gas or even to arrive/depart from my destinations...



w00t :o :help: !!! :(

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