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94 Honda Accord Wagon Check Engine Light comes on then car dies on Hig


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This has happened two times now.


CAR is a 94 Honda Accord LX Wagon.


I'm driving on the highway for 5-10 minutes everything is fine, then all of a sudden the check engine light comes on and the car has absolutely no power. Lights are fine, and the radio is fine. I coast to the breakdown lain. Then turn off the car for a minute. Then turn it back on and start it back up and go. Engine light is now off!


Took it to Honda dealer in Westborough MA. Dealership mechanic comes back and tells me that the error code stored shows:


CODE 15: Problem in Ignition Output Signal


Says it most likely needs a new ICM (Ignition Control Module). Suggest I reproduce the problem and have the car towed back to service. (ARE THESE GUYS NUTS. YEAH, LIKE I WANT TO GO OUT AND DRIVE ON THE HIGHWAY AND WAIT FOR MY CAR TO STALL, AND RISK CAUSING AN ACCIDENT! THEN HAVE IT TOWED 10-20 miles back to the dealer... WOW!)


HE suggested changing the Ignition Control Module but can't guarantee it will fix the problem. I was quoted $230 for the ICM, and $230 dollars for labor.



1. Has anyone reading this had this happen before?

2. Any idea on what the real problem might be?

3. Where is the best place to buy a quality ICM.

4. How hard is it to replace the ICM. I'm willing to buy a $20 Chilton's manual and attempt to replace it myself, unless it's very difficult.

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1. Had a similar problem in a Civic, and it was a distributor component.

2. If the trouble code says ICM, then it's the ICM.

3. OEM is the best quality on ignition parts such as these.

4. It's located within the distributor...shouldn't be too terribly difficult. A Chilton or Haynes manual should be able to walk you through it.

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When the similar problem happened with your Civic, did the car die while driving it?

It would start running like crap and lose power, then would die. Usually it wouldn't restart.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It would start running like crap and lose power, then would die. Usually it wouldn't restart.



could be something very simple i had this problem with a previous car could be a bunged up oil or fuel filter get them checked first before anything else

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