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Why does everyone feel the need to hit me?


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I pulled into the hobby shop today and some ass hole BACKED into me. Looked in their rearview rolled their window down and said "thank god for rubber bumpers" and he drove off. I was going to chase him but my MBC got all DSMish on me and backed itself out until the screw fell out and obviously the ball and spring fell out so my wastegate had no pressure. Anyways yeah I couldn't boost around and fetch the ass hole so I just went to the police station and filed a police report. That guy is going down... HARD!!! wOOt! But yeah there was really no damage noticeable to any random Joe Schmo but I can see it. The bumper rolled back a little but I fixed that with some elbow grease and there was a smudge on the paint that came right out.


I've owned 3 different cars, and EVERY car has been hit. I've been in 5 accidents including today NONE of which were my fault. Unless you want to count hitting an ice patch at 35, jumping the median and slamming head on into a car.

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I was going to chase him but my MBC got all DSMish on me and backed itself out until the screw fell out and obviously the ball and spring fell out so my wastegate had no pressure.


i'm sorry but that's hilarious.


But that suxxxx TEH BIGG ONEEEEN1!!!!11

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Damn, that sucks... at least you filed a report, maybe something will come of it.


I get to replace my front bumper cover -- again, after a small animal shot across the road last week...

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Damn, that sucks... at least you filed a report, maybe something will come of it.


I get to replace my front bumper cover -- again, after a small animal shot across the road last week...


Ouch. I always feared animals going across the road when I had my carbon fiber Mugen front lip. Thing hung so low..


I'm getting another. Si = too hiiiiiigh.

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Ouch. I always feared animals going across the road when I had my carbon fiber Mugen front lip. Thing hung so low..


I'm getting another. Si = too hiiiiiigh.


The Sol is so low that I probably couldn't do a lip, but there's not a nice chunk taken out of the bumper cover, and one of the bumper lenses was removed in the process. Whatever it was, it wanted to get across the road fast, I didn't even see it until just before I felt it hit...

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Damn, that sucks... at least you filed a report, maybe something will come of it.


I get to replace my front bumper cover -- again, after a small animal shot across the road last week...


i ran over a cat once on the highway and found its head stuck in my header. that was quite disturbing. it made me so sad that the damn cat dented my header.:drew:

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Did you take pictures before you fixed everything? And yeah, That guy is going down hard, That is classified as a hit and run. I would take him to court and start crying about how bad my neck hurts and stuff.

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He f*cked my horn up. Luckily the intercooler is fine... I would have been so pissed if he f*cked my intercooler. The horn sounds like it's pointing down so I will have to take the bumper off and get a good look at the crash support and make sure it's still able to do its task. No, I have no pictures. Usually I take my camera everywhere but I happened to leave it at home when I went to the hobby shop. f*cking ass. I'm pissed about my damn horn.

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He f*cked my horn up. Luckily the intercooler is fine... I would have been so pissed if he f*cked my intercooler. The horn sounds like it's pointing down so I will have to take the bumper off and get a good look at the crash support and make sure it's still able to do its task. No, I have no pictures. Usually I take my camera everywhere but I happened to leave it at home when I went to the hobby shop. f*cking ass. I'm pissed about my damn horn.


you have a turbo?

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