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oil light


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I thought some hondas had a thing where the check oil light came on every so many miles.


Just to remind people that the time has come.


The maintenance required light turns on, not the check oil light in what yo're referencing. In your Accord, I believe it goes from green to red until you reset it. The oil light is something different entirely.

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1993 accord 2.2. my oil light is now flashing. what the heck is this trying to tell me? The engine runs fine, no wierd noises, and no overheat. just drove it 50 miles and the engine did not blow up lol lol lol. :crazy:


Did you just had an oil change? If so , they might have put in the wrong viscosity. I would suggest to have an oil change before doing something else.



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well when the last time u changed it?



its been almost 3000 miles. do you think the oil viscosity has broken down?


read post and soe tiems u find the answer.. but welcome to HF otto888man

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read post and soe tiems u find the answer.. but welcome to HF otto888man

Sorry so late but if you still wanna know. It is very complicating to chagne the pump if you have not done it before.More than likely 80/20 it is you oil pressure sensor. Of course if it was your pump you would be sol right now having driven that many miles. Oil light only flashes during low oil levels and sensor failure, well sometimes failure.First easier if you take off p/s and alt.Sorry valve cover first. Than timing cover.(bottom and top).And yes there is ways to avoid the mount but easier to take it off.Then with nuthin but the side of the block showing(crank pulley has to come off also)than take off the balance shaft belt. On the gear to the right wich is the balance shaft there is a gear wich you also have to line up like timing but you can be off. If you want you can take the bolt off from directly in back (about 3 or 4 in in on the right it is located). than take a 10mm bolt about four inches in length and put it into the hole where you took the bolt out from. Turn the gear on the right and apply pressure to the bolt in back and you will feel when it goes into place. That will alighn the shaft. Or else on the gear itself there is actually a notch in it that you can line up with the block. that is only the beginig. Than there is the gear on the pump itself. Making it short. The bolts on the oil pump, take them off. Reverse the process. But when you do get it on.. there is a notch also on the oil pump shaft wich you have to align 120clock.(Forgot, you have to pretty much do a timing belt like procedure.Cause you have to loosen the tensioner But if you want you could just slide it off the balace shaft gear.)If you want to know step by step post again. Maybe wont b so tired to type it all.All in all run the engine and take the oil cap off to see if oil is actually lubing the cam shaft or spurting around in there.If it is than the oil pump is good, old mech trick.(Sorry should have post that first.)Accords your year that I fixed has always for me just been the oil pump seal and not the actual pump. But you said you got oil so it aint the seal wich is common for accords to have failure in.

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The same thing is happening to me... (1992 Honda Accord EX) it just started this week. I'll post a video of it on youtube when I have a chance... frustrating as hell... since the car runs fine/always has been well maintained and the oil level is correct.


OP did you figure out what was going on/did were able to fix it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep souinds like you need a new oil pump... or possibly your oil sending unit is bad, i have seen that happen before, oh yeah and check your oil pressure switch it could be bad or have a bad wire in the circuit.




not with only 3000 miles. u probably need a new oil pump
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