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That's crap. There are times when 120mph is safe and others when 20mph is not. It's not speeding that hurts people, but drivers who do not know how to identify what is safe or not.


ok, tell me when driving 120 on any public road is "safe". Face it, it's not. Now I agree, slow people don't help either. But think about it, most of the people that I've seen speed aren't safe. soooo..... you tell me what the deal is.

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ok, tell me when driving 120 on any public road is "safe". Face it, it's not. Now I agree, slow people don't help either. But think about it, most of the people that I've seen speed aren't safe. soooo..... you tell me what the deal is.


120 mph on a public road is not dangerous as long as you know what you're doing, and there is a very low density traffic. The danger comes in when you have pricks who wanna take it upon themselves to force others to slow down.


A guy going 120 mph in a straight line in the left lane on a highway is much less dangerous than a guy who is going 75 mph and weaving in and out of traffic.

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120mph is never safe on any road in america. in europe, its a different story where people know how to act around fast driving. there is so much crap on the roads in america, you have no idea what you could accidently run over and blow a tire.

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ok, tell me when driving 120 on any public road is "safe".

A straight well maintained highway with no side streets, no one else within physical stopping distance, the visibility to see beyond that distance, a car capable of being driven at high speeds and a competent driver. As rbolander says, there are many places in Europe where this is possible. The French highways are kept in immaculate condition; Germany has derestricted speed limits on some roads and other road users know how to drive; in England there are many 3-lane motorways with high visibility; etc. I have cruised at 140mph in a BMW 330Ci - it felt safer and more responsive than my prelude at 70mph. Sure, if the wrong piece had broken at that time (highly unlikely) the speed would have had an impact on our survival - but there was no else on the road.


There are many people who speed irresponsibly on the roads, and they are the ones creating the impression that speeding = bad. You never see those of us who do it safely - if you did, the chances are that it would have been the wrong time to call it safe :)

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A straight well maintained highway with no side streets, no one else within physical stopping distance, the visibility to see beyond that distance, a car capable of being driven at high speeds and a competent driver. As rbolander says, there are many places in Europe where this is possible. The French highways are kept in immaculate condition; Germany has derestricted speed limits on some roads and other road users know how to drive; in England there are many 3-lane motorways with high visibility; etc. I have cruised at 140mph in a BMW 330Ci - it felt safer and more responsive than my prelude at 70mph. Sure, if the wrong piece had broken at that time (highly unlikely) the speed would have had an impact on our survival - but there was no else on the road.


There are many people who speed irresponsibly on the roads, and they are the ones creating the impression that speeding = bad. You never see those of us who do it safely - if you did, the chances are that it would have been the wrong time to call it safe :)


Why would a highway have side streets in the first place?


Perhaps there is a difference between what NYers call highways and what the rest of the world does.


Example of a highway, Interstate Route 80.

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I dont want to nit-pick..


But how are you going to start a sentence with "Its not very dangerous" and end it with... "if you do you will probably die..."


Im prettysure that most people dont have tires rated to withstand 130 mph... And even if they did, 130 is deffinity not safe at all... Im sorry



Actually those were 2 different sentences talking about two different things mr. english major! Notice the period in there.

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A straight well maintained highway with no side streets, no one else within physical stopping distance, the visibility to see beyond that distance, a car capable of being driven at high speeds and a competent driver. As rbolander says, there are many places in Europe where this is possible. The French highways are kept in immaculate condition; Germany has derestricted speed limits on some roads and other road users know how to drive; in England there are many 3-lane motorways with high visibility; etc. I have cruised at 140mph in a BMW 330Ci - it felt safer and more responsive than my prelude at 70mph. Sure, if the wrong piece had broken at that time (highly unlikely) the speed would have had an impact on our survival - but there was no else on the road.


There are many people who speed irresponsibly on the roads, and they are the ones creating the impression that speeding = bad. You never see those of us who do it safely - if you did, the chances are that it would have been the wrong time to call it safe :)



Thank you!! people who dont know what they r doing and act stupid are what make speeding dangerous! if you act like you got a frackin brain then it shouldn't b that dangerous.

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Why would a highway have side streets in the first place?


Perhaps there is a difference between what NYers call highways and what the rest of the world does.


Example of a highway, Interstate Route 80.



That is an interstate, which is also considered a highway. State highways often times have stop lights. Therefore would have cross roads.

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sweet now everyone is cockfighting. stop bitching, your opinion isn't going to change anyone's mind. if you say you are speeding, just lie and say you are doing it on a track so that people wont go crazy

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Thank you!! people who dont know what they r doing and act stupid are what make speeding dangerous! if you act like you got a frackin brain then it shouldn't b that dangerous.


Ah. Just to clarify, no pedestrians around, no stop lights, just exit to exit.


But yeah, back to the original point of the post, what is the top speed of the Honda Accord 2006 EX (166 HP).

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Why would a highway have side streets in the first place?

You'd think that people would work this out when planning these things. Try the #1 Trans-Canada through Calgary - there are so many side streets and lights that it's quicker on a bicycle at times.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Europe also has a much more rigorous, time consuming driver's ed equivalent course. It takes more than parking between a few rubber cones to get your license. You would think with traffic fatalities being one of the biggest causes of death in America that they would make instructional driving courses more encompassing and educational. If they offered that kind of stuff around here, I would retake the course.

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Europe also has a much more rigorous, time consuming driver's ed equivalent course. It takes more than parking between a few rubber cones to get your license. You would think with traffic fatalities being one of the biggest causes of death in America that they would make instructional driving courses more encompassing and educational. If they offered that kind of stuff around here, I would retake the course.


Only because Europe hasn't discovered organized traffic systems.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Only because Europe hasn't discovered organized traffic systems.

WTF are you talking about? You guys have grid systems everywhere that seem to slow everyone down. I wouldn't calk that "organized". You haven't worked out how to use traffic lanes properly - if the concept of driving in the right lane when you are going slowly is a rule, you need to tell half your population about it. You don't use roundabouts where they would be better than lights, although having seen some of your country folk try them in Europe maybe that's a good thing. You teach people to drive in automatics - in Europe that's frowned upon because you don't really learn to "drive", more to "pilot" a car. It's not surprising that you get a lot more stupid accidents, especially when it rains. Having come from Europe to North America, it feels as if I have taken a step backwards in traffic organisation.

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well i know on my car i got the wheels to spin in 5th gear during an ice storm here in north dakota... i pegged the speedo at 165, went a bit past redline so i know it didnt cut it off at 135. The most ive driven the car was around 110. its still new and i dont feel like rolling it. (it was on a road where you dont turn for 22 miles, and flat and absolutely NO traffic. Proof that North Dakota is good for something. DRAG RACING!) I actually got my 87 honda accord to 125 mph, and that had 220k miles on it. But that one blew up :o. (Parts car for sale btw.)


So if your gonna speed.... DONT DO IT AROUND OTHER PEOPLE wow please people. Last thing I want is to get tagged in the rear end by some fool who doesnt know how to do anything but drive fast and not know how to drive. If you speed.... Control your variables. Common sense.

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WTF are you talking about? You guys have grid systems everywhere that seem to slow everyone down. I wouldn't calk that "organized". You haven't worked out how to use traffic lanes properly - if the concept of driving in the right lane when you are going slowly is a rule, you need to tell half your population about it. You don't use roundabouts where they would be better than lights, although having seen some of your country folk try them in Europe maybe that's a good thing. You teach people to drive in automatics - in Europe that's frowned upon because you don't really learn to "drive", more to "pilot" a car. It's not surprising that you get a lot more stupid accidents, especially when it rains. Having come from Europe to North America, it feels as if I have taken a step backwards in traffic organisation.




SOMEONE is a butthurt little bitch that can't handle someone talking about another country. Explain to me what a "stupid accident" is, please? I don't see how overly crowded roads with nothing but parallel parking spots is a step in the right direction as a matter of fact..it seems a little dumb. Very seldom have I seen "good traffic flow", hell ..very seldom have I even HEARD of it in Europe.


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SOMEONE is a butthurt little bitch that can't handle someone talking about another country. Explain to me what a "stupid accident" is, please? I don't see how overly crowded roads with nothing but parallel parking spots is a step in the right direction as a matter of fact..it seems a little dumb. Very seldom have I seen "good traffic flow", hell ..very seldom have I even HEARD of it in Europe.


Yeah, that's a funny vid :)


What I meant by "stupid accidents" is ones that are caused by idiots who don't know how to drive. You have a lot more of them in North America because your driving tests are too easy. How do I know? I have visited or lived in the following countries in my life: UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Malta, Hungry, Holland, Belgium, Greece, Republic of Ireland, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma). The least organised of the bunch are the last four, but the people using the roads understood the way to drive them. Only one of those countries has a percentage of drivers who are idiots of the same mould as I have encountered in North America - Ireland. That's because any idiot is allowed on the roads in a powerful car without even passing a test (at least at the time I was last there, they may have moved foward now). At least they don't live in arrogant denial.


Yeah I am a butthurt little bitch - it annoys me when I see such crap being written.

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well i know on my car i got the wheels to spin in 5th gear during an ice storm here in north dakota... i pegged the speedo at 165, went a bit past redline so i know it didnt cut it off at 135. The most ive driven the car was around 110. its still new and i dont feel like rolling it. (it was on a road where you dont turn for 22 miles, and flat and absolutely NO traffic. Proof that North Dakota is good for something. DRAG RACING!) I actually got my 87 honda accord to 125 mph, and that had 220k miles on it. But that one blew up :o. (Parts car for sale btw.)


So if your gonna speed.... DONT DO IT AROUND OTHER PEOPLE wow please people. Last thing I want is to get tagged in the rear end by some fool who doesnt know how to do anything but drive fast and not know how to drive. If you speed.... Control your variables. Common sense.






lol, 165.





i've gotten to 156 with fuel cut. dont ever plan on doing it again though. waste of time and not safe at all.

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Yeah, that's a funny vid :)


What I meant by "stupid accidents" is ones that are caused by idiots who don't know how to drive. You have a lot more of them in North America because your driving tests are too easy. How do I know? I have visited or lived in the following countries in my life: UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Malta, Hungry, Holland, Belgium, Greece, Republic of Ireland, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma). The least organised of the bunch are the last four, but the people using the roads understood the way to drive them. Only one of those countries has a percentage of drivers who are idiots of the same mould as I have encountered in North America - Ireland. That's because any idiot is allowed on the roads in a powerful car without even passing a test (at least at the time I was last there, they may have moved foward now). At least they don't live in arrogant denial.


Yeah I am a butthurt little bitch - it annoys me when I see such crap being written.

wow, so you've been all around the world except America and yet you want to scrutinize them? Im in agreeance with you about Europe having a better traffic system but you have no credibility in this subject considering you've never been in America. If last time you were here, we didnt have driving test that would make you about a hundred years old because I know we've had them at least since the original For Model T was released.

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