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shifter stuck and slave or master wont bleed...ummm yeah do u see the


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ok, i have a 90 honda accord and i had a new clutch put in like 2 weeks ago but after so long like a week, the pedal just completely dropped to the floor and stuck, you can pull it back up but it wont stay, autozone said it was the master cylinder, so i bought a new one my mech. buddy put it in, he said he dont know anything about the clutch system yet or hondas so im turning to here, so he and i put it in, then bled the master then the slave...theres no pressure at one point in time there was a little pressure enough to push it down some but then we bled it one last time to try to get it back up alot more, and then lost ALL pressure again its stuck back on the floor, so we tryed it like 2 hours and still nothing to bleed them, so then i drove home quiet a drive, but i drove it without the clutch pedal, yes i know thats bad but i had to work, so i worked 3 days then the stick kept getting stuck, the shifter i mean, and i could get it out and go again but after like 3 more days it got stuck in reverse and couldnt get it out for anything... please tell me someone knows how to fix this... i need this car bad, i was also told by my buddy the slave cylinder is probobly bad, along with something in the tranny for the linkage or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

che che che che.... ka ka ka ka................ ECHO!!! ECHO!! ECHO! ECHO ECHo ECho Echo echo...... i see the light...ahhhh crap no...!!! go away, im too young to die...no your 97 oh yeah been on this gay thing!!! i need help dammit...lol


dude when i say "crap", it says... crap

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go to the button that says search , and type in clutch bleeding moron. cause im tired of the mods not stickying most asked questions , and im even more tired of typing the same crap out every other day.

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go to the button that says search , and type in clutch bleeding moron. cause im tired of the mods not stickying most asked questions , and im even more tired of typing the same crap out every other day.


If we stickied everything, you'd need to go through 1-2 pages of stickied threads :p


If you want to suggest something be added to a FAQ thread, shoot me a PM with the link.

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hmmmm...ok did it...didnt work...now what? did search...and theres nothing even somewhat relivant to what i need i read at least 16 different problems and none of them is the same as mine, checked eveything, put new things on it, did alot of things to it that you all said to do for a type of situation like this.... so yeah...NEW PROBLEM!!! help me figure it out?!?!?!?hmmm, ok, no? ill take it ill take the gay ass comments that you try to make me cry like a wittle wittle school girl, but yeah i need help so why your making comments type with keyboard and not your head and tell me what to do....mmmmmk?... mmmmmk!

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With an attitude like that you aren't getting any help from me. Save your little mmm k bitch remarks for someone else. Good luck with bleeding the system, biatch. Sounds like you need to find a new mechanic, a new friend, or both.


Stoopid questions=Stupid answers

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thats ok hondas suck weiner! esspessially if what ever i try to do with the frackin thing and try to get help ppl treat me like crap, im not a smart ass normally, but this is how ppl act to me, so im trying it... i almost want to burn my body kits, blow up my motor, throw my tranny through the rear window, and rip all the wires out...wrap it around the car...then flip it down a hill into a pond so nobody else will have to deal with another accord. the cops will just think its a turd from an airplane. so no help? MMMMMMK! i have a supra,,,goto the supra forums ask very m\nicly for help...they become dicks... goto the vtech forums act for help nicley, they become a weiner too, go here, no help!, goto celica forums, no help, goto corvette forums for my dad, f*ck that they're stuck up pricks!, well justa s future refrence... to get what you want in life you have to try and try again...i try everyday with my car and all these stupid sites that are pointless! so no help? no help im gone! no prob

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trying to make a front wheel drive drifter, but good, and trying to make a accord accually faster then any around here... yeah my supra kills anything ive raced yet mostly in town and around town

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thats ok hondas suck weiner! esspessially if what ever i try to do with the frackin thing and try to get help ppl treat me like crap, im not a smart ass normally, but this is how ppl act to me, so im trying it... i almost want to burn my body kits, blow up my motor, throw my tranny through the rear window, and rip all the wires out...wrap it around the car...then flip it down a hill into a pond so nobody else will have to deal with another accord. the cops will just think its a turd from an airplane. so no help? MMMMMMK! i have a supra,,,goto the supra forums ask very m\nicly for help...they become dicks... goto the vtech forums act for help nicley, they become a weiner too, go here, no help!, goto celica forums, no help, goto corvette forums for my dad, f*ck that they're stuck up pricks!, well justa s future refrence... to get what you want in life you have to try and try again...i try everyday with my car and all these stupid sites that are pointless! so no help? no help im gone! no prob


OK kids drugs are bad mmmmkay, they cause blind rages mmmmkay.


i keep lol'in @ mmmmmk.


and, being as you have a supra..


what the f*ck are you doing messing with a honda?

He thought he might be able to have a good car for a while, but obviously not cause it's going in a pond after he swaps his exterior onto the interior

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trying to make a front wheel drive drifter, but good, and trying to make a accord accually faster then any around here... yeah my supra kills anything ive raced yet mostly in town and around town


Why would you try to make a front wheel drive car drift? Go get a 240 if you want a cheap drift car. Front wheel drive cars are not meant to drift! As for why you you purchased an Accord while you are still in possession of the one of the more coveted sports cars around, I won't even try to guess. If you didn't come on this forum and act like a stuck up kid with too much of his dad's money, and no brains to go with it, then you wouldn't get flamed and told off. You can bitch and whine and moan all you want, but if you want to be respected, then you should try paying respect first. Before you ask stupid questions, search THOROUGHLY! Then you won't have to deal with "buttheads" that won't offer you help. Besides you're probably some 17 year old private school kid who saw the fast and the furious and immediately thought Supra's were cool, so he went and asked his daddy for one. Take that crap back where you got it from, it's not welcome here. Now, if you want to start over, and search for what you're looking for, and then ask nicely if you still need assistance, then by all means do so, but don't come on our forum and try to tell us off when you're the one being the frackin retard..


~End of Rant



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I had the same problem with my old mitsubishi. I went to add clutch fluid because it was low and discovered it leaking out as I was pouring it in. It was my slave cylinder. Lucky you, you were able to put it into gear. I got stuck on the service road and had to be pushed into a parking lot. If you didnt know, brake fluid is almost identical to clutch fluid so check that out.

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