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Problem with my Accord =/


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Okay lets see if i can get all this in.


I bought my car it was used. (dont know if this could cause it) but i have a 4" pipe on my car for my muffler.

Anyways. I recently installed a System to it and everything kind of went down hill from there. My car would die randomly but we found out it was a fuse in the box by the steering wheel. It was loose. So the car hasnt really died since then.


But here is where lies my problem.

The CEL is on now, and It says i need a Knock Sensor thats the code that comes up. Now i was wondering if that would have anything to do with this.


Problem- Car Drives fine most of the time. But, sometimes it will Sputter at a stoplight. Act like it wants to die. Sometimes it does if i stay put to long. Then when i start driving after it sputters. It Dosnt take off as easily, and Transmission dosnt Shift right. (it will go from 0-25 kinda slowly, then it will have trouble shifting and kick off when it finally gets the chance to then have trouble again around 40ish) It happened alot but stopped for like 2 months, then it started to happen again. I was wondering what would be the problem to this.


1.Dont think its Trans because it works more of the time then dosnt.

2.Think the muffler could have anything to do with it? (the car viberates and has a harder time)

3.Havnt changed the Knock Sensor(if anything i hope thats what it is) Would the Sensor do something like this to my car if not working properly?)


Any Opinions or Suggestions im open for. It would be alot of help. Thanks.

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