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need help


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ok the person that had my car butched the crap out of the wiring..soo the stock harness isnt there its juss a whole bunch of wires i hooked them all up like i was suppose to do but it keeps cutting out an turning off and the fron an back speakers dont work juss the subs =/ its a 1991 civic hatch with a b16

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  • 2 weeks later...
ok xplain wit more details wutz wrong wit ur system if u wana do evrthin real gud n nice i suggest u start all over fromt da begininn dude



way to dig up an old post.


learn to spell before telling someone to give more details with something when you yourself have trouble spelling with, explain, whats, your, you, want to, everything, good, and, from, the, beginning.


idiot. this isn't a text message it's a website. grammar is greatly appericated here so that we can READ what you say. can you even read or do you just press buttons and guess?

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what the hell does it looks like im doing?? im new to this crap relax ok



but i've told you over and over.


see this: Sep 10 2007, 11:58 PM


then you: 'Sep 25 2007, 03:54 AM'


sjfdhkdsjfhksdjfhskdfhksdjf! :sleep2:


i'm just giving you a heads up.



edit: you wouldn't last 5 minutes on honda-tech


go there and meet hell and all the buttheads that are there.:devil:

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