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so maybe u guys can help me out with this stupid wiring

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alright so i rerouted my battery to the trunk while i have everything pulled out off my motor, so i could balance out the weight and free up some space in the front.


i have everything all wired up. i have the stock positive line to a distribution block, then a line from the distribution block to the battery, and then the 8g wire from the fuse box to the distributor block. stock negative grounded to the body, and the negative from the battery grounded to the back. i pretty much followed this tutorial Battery Relocation Project.


when i hook up the battery terminals, everything is fine but my defi's are turning on, so obviously a wire is getting constant power when it shouldnt be. my securitly light is also blinking. pretty


now, the ONLY thing i did differently from that tutorial, is use a different distributor block, and i didnt use a circuit breaker. i also didnt replace the stock relay fuse line b/c the original line is long enough to reuse.


i have no idea why this is happening, i didnt touch any wires that have to do with my gauges (they are spliced into my clock wires and cig lighter). i followed that exact tutorial, all my lines look that way and go that way except a different distribution block. damn i hate f*cking wiring.


i also have my engine wiring harness removed, but i still dont think that would throw everything out of whack.

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When i did the relocation in the CRX, I just ran the hot wire from the battery to the front fuse box, then grounded it in the truck. No distribution blocks or stck grounds. Worked just fine for me.

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I just ran a single ought gauge wire from the positive terminal to the fuse box in the front. And grounded the neg in the trunk, eliminating the stock ground in the front.

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oh gotcha. well the ground is fine, more grounds the better :)


see now i dont know how i would be able to do that. b/c 1) where would the original positive battery line go and 2) the stock relay fuse line is 8g, and im running 4 to the back.

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so would i, but it just doesnt make sense. ive read about 10 tutorials on even diff cars and exactly how i have it set up is how the rest are. im going to check my defi wiring tomorrow, maybe i pulled something loose.

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well i looked up the defi troubleshooting, and this is what my gauges are doing:



This function reports that communication

is impossible between meters and Control

Unit Ⅱ.

The pointer points downwards and the

WARNING LED flashes twice at the same



my lights are flashing twice at the same interval. im hoping this means b/c my harness is off my car that its tripping something.

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one thing i noticed but cant see it causing your problem. is you have a postive going from positive under hood to dizzy block , and positive from block to battery. you should have positive comming from front go right to the battery. than from battery to block , than wherever else you need it. ground the battery in the trunk to good chassis ground , use same gauge as power wire , 4g. than make sure theres good grounds from engine to chassis under the hood.

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the grounds are all fine, actually i have one in the trunk to the chassis and then the stock negative to the body in the front.


the reason i wired it the way i did was b/c i was told that was the best way. im kinda unclear of what you were saying, but i think your trying to say that i should run the stock positive wire that was originally connected to the battery, to the battery in the back. if i did this, then i would have no reason to really have the distro block, b/c then id only have the relay wire going from the fuse box to the distro block, and then have the positive line running to the battery. id have to tee in another line from the starter back to the distro, but its kind of the same thing i have now but in a different way.


maybe im not understanding ya right, but i dunno, i hate wiring haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

alright guys im bumping this up b/c i still have a problem.


got my car back together tonight (haha just to take it apart again), connected the engine harness, tried to reconnect the battery to see maybe the defi's would shut off, but nope, same thing, defi's blinking (the serial error above a couple posts) and the security light still blinking. wtf?


i think im going to get rid of the distro block, run a line from the battery to the original positive line, and then just run the 8g wire from the fuse panel to that wire as well. if that doesnt work im going to say f*ck it and put my battery back to the engine bay.


anyone have any ideas/help?

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I'm really not sure why you are getting any problems could just be that distr block, but I relocated my battery to my frame rail in the engine bay using a slim oddysee bat and all I did was extend all the lines to pos+ and made new ground(s) for neg-, and everything works fine. Oh and this is on a crx

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i tried putting the battery to stock location and just took the original neg and positive (the positive i taped the fuse line up to b/c it originally goes to the + side as well) and its STILL blinking. theres no way i shortcircuited a line because i rerouted all the lines from my defis into a new spot. help!

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Hmmm...I wish I knew more or at least had an idea. That's the worst part about messing with wiring/electrical could be anything.

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i know, its f*cking annoying me. i've tried EVERYTHING. i know for a fact the wiring is all right. my guess is maybe it is the control unit on the defi's, but that still doesnt make sense to me because it was fine before i did this. i dunno. i accidently hit a wire when i drilled a hole for my distro block, but it didnt cut it all the way through the wire (i cut it and reconnected it just in case) and thats still not it.

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well ive found the problem.


something to do with my oil pressure wire. it was sliced into when i was trying to clean up my engine bay so i cut it and re-soldered it. when i connect the pos and neg of the battery, and unplug the oil pressure wire, they shut off. when i plug it right back in, it stays off. i tried just turning the key to the on position (car is still apart with the harness out) and the lights kinda freaked out. i guess ill have to recheck it when i get it all back together tomorrow and hopefully they will act normal.

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me too, ill see tomorrow when i get the car back together. i just got everything done getting painted. repainted the intake manifold, i/c piping, with bbq paint. looks badass.

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