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Glow Plug Indicator flashing


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I have a 54 plate Honda Accord Diesel Sport. Earlier on today I had a drop in power for about a second but thought not much about it. Then later on I lost most of the power and my glow plug indicator flashed constantly. I pulled up in about 50 yards and turned the engine on and off a couple of times (stopping the warning light) before driving home slowly.


Obviously I will get it looked at at my local dealer on Monday but does anyone have any thoughts what it might be. I am not very clued up on diesels. The handbook says do not continue driving. Could I have caused any engine damage?


Thanks in advance



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i thought glow plugs on deisels were only used to start the engine. after that i thought they made their own combustion through cylinder pressure?

And glow plugs. At least that's always been my understanding. Glow plugs don't *ignite* the fuel...so to speak.

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Your local dealer will probably not be of much help. Honestly a deisel shop would probably be your best bet. Most Honda techs will have no idea what they are looking at.


That being said, glow plugs are for only heating the combustion chamber for starting, once running and at temp deisel combusts on its own assuming compression and jet flow is correct.


That being said (sorry to say that again), a shop, even one that specializes on deisel trucks would be your best bet. I would be inclined to say that it is either a jet nozzle problem or electrical issue.


Never dealt with a Honda deisel engine my self, but I know a fair amount about Kabota tractor engines and furnaces, and I can recommend not going to a dealer, unless you are located in England, Belgium etc. then a dealer should be able to help as they deal more with deisel over there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello All,


I also have a 54 Honda Accord 2.2 Diesel which is available in the UK and the same issue just happened to me. Please what was the outcome of your findings? I don't have the manufacturers warranty and have been told by my local honda dealer that its going to cost £79/hour for them to diagnose the problem. Should I go ahead and pay for this? Doing a quick look around online i noticed that it may be a software problem, should i just sell the car off or try to fix it?


Thanks and Kind Regards,

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