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ZC swap


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26 o:)


i think if i keep it outta vtec i might get better


and i think the car was using more gas with stuff plugged up wrong


You DRIVE AROUND at high enough RPM to keep it engaged?

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duh who doesnt


cause see i have the 'honda mod' which makes vtec engage at like 3k rpms so it makes major power


i was just driving the hell out of it everytime we thought it was fixed instead of really nice like i normally do

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I can safely say I never did on ANY of mine. I did shift out of first and second at 4 or 5ish but that was the extent of it.


And I'm not even going to ASK what the "Honda mod" is.

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And I'm not even going to ASK what the "Honda mod" is.


good cause idk what it is either



but i normally only drive like that when im at the track but i wanted to see how the new motor felt.. and then when i was halfway down the down and the CEL came back on you had to keep it like over 3k at least (when taking off too) otherwise it would jerk the crap outta the car

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I can safely say I never did on ANY of mine. I did shift out of first and second at 4 or 5ish but that was the extent of it.


And I'm not even going to ASK what the "Honda mod" is.


What exactly is the point of having a modified or tuned vehicle if you baby it all the time? :crazy:


My sedan rarely, if ever, is shifted below 6000rpm. If it had vtec to engage it would be engaged 0-60 every single stoplight, stop sign, expressway ramp, turn, etc, etc... (for the record, I flog the piss out of that car and still have not yet managed to obtain lower then 35mpg)

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I don't see the point in beating the sh*t out of something like that. It's no wonder Honda owners get laughed at by the domestic crowd. They're all but running their cars when they drive and they're hardly moving in most instances.

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I don't see the point in beating the sh*t out of something like that. It's no wonder Honda owners get laughed at by the domestic crowd. They're all but running their cars when they drive and they're hardly moving in most instances.


I don't understand this comment.



I beat the hell out of it because I can and because that is what I bought it for. That is why I own a commuter and a beater. I wanted something cheap to race. Previous to this car I owned a Probe and before that I owned the Monte that I did the same thing with. This is the glory of the $1000 car. It doesn't matter what happens to it. When it dies I will go find something else for a grand.


Has nothing to do with Honda. The negative comment about Honda owners is lame and you propagate it as bad as most other people that think they are special. Every actual automotive enthusiast I know: domestic, asian or euro, appreciates any vehicle made. It is the ignorant fool that is negative toward their brethren in the sport.

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I'm talking beating the hell out of it. That's what I'm talking about. And, I'll use my god given right to voice my opinion where I damn well please. If you drive like a dumbass and all but wind a gear out just to get moving, more power to you. Not my problem. I never have, not like that; in ANY of my cars..and more than LIKELY, I never will.

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I made no comment requesting you to limit your opinion. I merely voiced my opinion that you sound just like all the other hill jacks driving lifted diesel pickups and foxbody mustangs on bald tires.


Vehicles have their uses in all shapes and forms. Owning a car intended to be driven fast and driving it like my grandmother is any persons right, but for the people that do that what exactly was the point? The extra money spent on the car for a go-fast vehicle would be better spent wiping shat from their backside for all the good it does them.

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now now no arguements and gettin my thread closed


i normally dont drive my car too hard because i drive it over 100 miles a day.. most of the time its on cruise at 65.. but theres no harm in having fun.. because vtec is fun

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I hit the throttle pretty hard sometimes myself, but usually not around other cars, because I know it makes me look like a dumbass. Plus I could do without the attention from law enforcement - who like to pick on Honda's specifically for the reason Ben stated - most owners of said vehicle are the ones who are speeding or violating other traffic laws.


I now return you to your original broadcast - Sarah's thread.

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woooooooo!!! 30 mpg




last i knew, my sol was getting about 35 mpg highway (about 38 mpg city, which was figured more recent than the highway mileage)...

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woooooooo!!! 30 mpg

i was gonna say my y8 gets just under 30mpg around town, and as high as 35mpg highway. for example i was stayed home over spring break and never made it out of the city, so i got 28, but when i stay and school and basically drive to and from home (60 miles up the hill or down depending on which way i'm going) i get 33-35 and that's a combination of the 91 and 15/215 (70mph limit) so everyone stays around 75 - 80. i know i could get way better if i kept it under 70mph

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Well, Sarah and I have either the same or similar engines, and they get maybe 35 mpg highway. I typically get 29.5 to 30.5 mpg with probably 60/40 in favor of highway driving. I get 28 when I'm doing nothing but puttering around town at 35 or under. Hence the reason I'll probably do a B-series swap at some point... Gas mileage is the same or slightly better and you get more horsepower... still not sure how that works out.


And actually, 55 is the magic number for mileage. :thumbsup:

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55 is not the magic number. There are about 5000 other variables that affect your sweet spot for fuel mileage vs distance traveled.


I always got the best mileage in the S model when traveling in the ~75ish range.


After a couple tanks of fuel and you get into the rhythm driving with the new engine make sure to report back what mpg you are getting.

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im on the third tank right now.. it seems to be gettin a little better now... my z6 was only gettin like 32 average so its not like a huge change


You really thrash your engines, don't you? Well, you also maintain them well, so I guess it's all good.

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actually i dont


i drive it about 100+ miles a day and most of that is cruise control at 65 mph.. i wouldnt consider that 'thrashing'


i kinda drove the new motor hard for a couple days because i wanted to make sure vtec was going to engage and the motor was strong because if something was messed up i wanted to find out before the warrenty was up.. now its just cruising with some playing around


but of course i do change my oil(royal purple k&n filter) when i should.. probably before it needs it most of the time.. along with tune ups right on schedule

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