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Ask Dr. WBS (General Discussion Practitioner)


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Dr. WBS, please tell me how to make a decision between 3 things? (I know to do a list of pros and cons and such...but I need the heart version too) :) thanks :D

Eliminate one thing, and then flip a coin.


Otherwise, tell an impartial 3rd party, and make them decide, lol.

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The trick to flipping a coin is:


when its in mid-air, whichever side you are hoping it to land on is the side you should go with in the first place.


Why is my business calc professor taking so effing long to post my final grade?

A watched pot never boils.

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Why is it proper grammar to say a pair of pants but improper to say a pair of shirt?


Why don't we sneeze while we're sleeping?


Why do we sneeze while closing our eyes?


Why is it illegal to be involved in dog fighting but legal for humans to beat the f*ck out of each other in an octagon?

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Why is it proper grammar to say a pair of pants but improper to say a pair of shirt?


Why don't we sneeze while we're sleeping?


Why do we sneeze while closing our eyes?


Why is it illegal to be involved in dog fighting but legal for humans to beat the f*ck out of each other in an octagon?

Because we as people have choice...dogs do not.

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Why is it proper grammar to say a pair of pants but improper to say a pair of shirt?


Why don't we sneeze while we're sleeping?


Why do we sneeze while closing our eyes?

Plural vs Singular


I have many times.


Because of the whiplash.


Why is Billy Mays so f*cking loud?

Gets your attention, doesn't it?


Why do Americans call pants, pants? They're trousers not pants!

I call them britches. Just because it's dangerously close to swearing.

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Why doesn't my coursework work the way I want it to?


And a secondary question...


How do I get my shadows layer to fade nicely on to the background when compositing in Shake?

(I shall lol merrily if you answer the 2nd).

Edit: You must of answered telepathically, I figured my 2nd question out :D

1) In my experience, coursework is your teacher's way of trying to keep you busy with something that's practically impossible so they can watch you suffer.


2) I have no idea. This thread is for life questions, not academic questions. But I'm gonna take a wild guess and say maybe changing the lighting so that its a little more ambient and not so directed?

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So WBS, Did you hear about Vince the shamwow pitchman punching a hooker in the face a couple times after she (during a heated session of something, apparently) bit onto him and wouldn't let go?

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why does nobody anwser my question about if i have a lightweight crank

I did now


So WBS, Did you hear about Vince the shamwow pitchman punching a hooker in the face a couple times after she (during a heated session of something, apparently) bit onto him and wouldn't let go?

I did now

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