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actually compared to a normal honda swap it took a while (no offense brian)


my brother in law swapped a b20 in a hatch in a couple hours and did mine very quick until my tranny mount broke lol

none taken, it did take a while.. we ran into a problem due to inexperience on swapping a delsol, it was actually running 4 hours after we started doing the swap, BUT not moving due to not having delsol vtec shift linkage so i had to go to honda and order it.. so that killed me an extra day..

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Julian, what's going on? gl...



Just a bunch of stuff. Bear/bare (wtfever) with me people.


I turned 18 on May 26th. woot. Okay, on a more serious note, that weekend was NASCAR's race weekend. I work(ed) at Dover Downs, which was the track, hotel, casino, and home of a couple of restaurants. I work(ed) at the Festival Buffet. On race Sunday, during the race, six people from the buffet had to go to the grandstands and help sell crap. We were paired up. Two sold hotdogs, two sold bottled water, and two sold beer. Me and this one woman was selling the Buds and Bud lite. An hour later or so, I got so irritated after walking back and forth cause I was there since 5:30am (and it was about 3-4ish pm at this time) and my knees were killing me. So my supervisors caught me and the woman taking a quick break and saw me sitting down and yelled at me to go back out there. Then my old supervisor (who works at Housekeeping now) was shocked to see me, not just because she hasn't seen me in a while, but because of the beer. Delaware's Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement states you have to be 19 to sell/serve alcohol and 21 to bartend. I wasn't aware of this at all, until she told me. When all 6 of us found out, we were just like "oh crap." It was weird how everyone (I mean everyone there) knew I was young (worked there since I was 16) that no one noticed this was wrong, until now. I got so pissed off about it and just left after the race when I was scheduled to be there from 5:30am to like 9 or 10pm. Afterwards, I went to my girlfriend's house and her mom told me I should go work with her at the Wal-Mart distribution center near here after I go to Human Resources at DD about the situation.


Guess what? HR didn't do jack crap. Everyone at the buffet heard about it and thought it was really fracked up, except the supervisors obviously. I was so furious that I put my two weeks notice of resignation in. I definitely didn't see this crap coming either. I thought I'd be at this place for a while, but apparently not. So after I put my two weeks in, I applied at the distribution center. After a while of working, alot of people have been coming up to me about the alcohol situation and asked me about it saying I did what was right and tried to expose "how fracked up Dover Downs" has become. I mean, crap, Dover Downs was voted "Best Place to Work At" by Delaware Today a few years back. When I first started in August 2007, it was pretty damn good. Now, it's just... fracked up. Even my ex's father (he's the director of culinary operations/head chef- also has TV show) started talking to me and stuff now. My last day (which was the day before the DC meet), people were sad to see me go and two waitresses started to tear up a bit. I kinda loved the place, but not really the management. I'll miss working with my best friend's mom, one of my close friend's mom and sister, hell, even my ex's dad cause it was fun to pick on him sometimes. Ohyeah, they've been laying people off out the ass now. Guess what? I was supposed to be one of those people. I was gonna lose my fracking job anyway. Great.


Now, relationship. I've known this girl for about two years. When I first met her, she looked like a scary bitch. I even told her this too. She dressed all in black, trip pants, these big ass "vegetarian" boots, and her hair was dyed black and this weird blue/purple color and wore a wiccan star medallion. I only met her cause she just started dating this guy I was cool with. They've dated for like 10 or so months until he finally got caught cheating on her for the second time. Not even exaggerating, he's cheated on her like 25 times, with 9 different girls (was there everytime) and never told her about it. Never really talked to her till spring break of '08 when they were breaking up. We talked and kinda became vent buddies. She's also changed physically and didn't look like a scary bitch, so I was kinda attracted on her natural appearance. Comes my junior prom, I needed a date. I wanted to ask her, but was told not to go with her cause "she would say no" to me. Well I was told at the last minute by her that she would've gone with me. At prom, I kinda ran away for a while (cause it was at Dover Downs actually) and went to the buffet to see this chick I liked at the time. We walked to her car and I made a move and actually kissed her. Afterwards, I didn't know what to do, but call the vent buddy. I told her and she just flipped the frack out and kinda didn't want to talk to me. She was even on the brink of crying on the phone as well. She knew I liked her for a couple of months and finally made a move on her, so she decided to just let me be on this one. Here she realized she liked me. Well when I went to this party she was throwing, I noticed that I had a crush on her as well. We had moments to where we were alone, driving around in the Accord, etc. where I could've made a move on her. No sir, no move made. fml. I left early cause the next morning, I wasn't going to be in Delaware. Voila, Puerto Rico for two weeks ftmfw. Right when I landed in PR, I turned my phone on. I got a text from her saying she was so sorry and she kissed this guy at the party. I was fairly nonchalant about it cause I didn't know she liked me. She got pissed off and I heard from my best friend and her best friend saying she has this real big crush on me. I was like fml I got two girls to decide on. Finally made my decision to where I picked her and not the buffet chick. We dated for a month, then broke up cause she accused me of cheating on her with the chick from the buffet. Fast forward a month and a half, we finally made up and went back out. Few months later (beginning of March) I broke up with her cause she was being bitchy for a while. Since it was a blizzard type thing outside, and I'm clumsy, I fell down the stairs outside and hit my head pretty hard. My dad found me and when he was seeing if I was okay, I stopped breathing for a bit. He gave me mouth to mouth (ewwww.) and I was fine. I didn't know what happened or why I was outside. I also checked my phone (habit) and realized my background changed and I didn't text the girl for three days. I thought I was still dating her, but I wasn't. Being how my head hurt real fracking bad, I drove 25-30 minutes to her house and made up. I drove to the ER afterwards. I'm totally fine now btw, so no worries.


Now up to current times, we've celebrated our "one year" on Tuesday when we first kissed/dated. I was having an all guys' day yesterday and she was a bit moody. I've seen her everyday this month, until Wednesday. She was getting all mad and crap cause she claimed she was spoiled and then when I'm not there, she's a mess. I've been feeling like she's a bit obsessive and that I HAVE to see her all day, everyday, to keep it going. I was there last night for a little bit and I was picking on her (like how we usually do once in a while) and then we play fought about her being a fish and I wasn't. I was like "happy face fishy" and she went "i don't wanna be a fish if you're not a fish." I told her I didn't want to be one. She started raising her voice going "Be a fishy!" like a little kid. I was just like "ohkay then." and turned around on the bed. Now I'm just like "great." Then we talked about me going to college. Make a note that she was a junior and I was a senior, so she's a grade below me. She ended up tearing up because she'll miss seeing me at school and asked me to promise her not to leave her for a "smarter, cuter college girl." I told her we'll be fine. I don't like being in a relationship with someone obsessive and a mess when I'm not around and crap. I just don't wanna leave her either cause we've been together for about 9 months now and it's been the longest relationship for me to date. And crap, her mom's busting her ass off so I can get a job that's $14/hour. Yeah I'm not going further into discussion. I think you guys got the point.



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hey true-blueb7 sounds like youve had it rough. dont beat yourself up over women SOME of them are very hard to understand and unpredictable. it seems like she is getting clingy because she knows you may not be there soon. its a natural thing so just hang in there :)

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sounds like she needs to chill out. you can be a little clingy so long as you aren't paranoid, and i'm guessing that the fact that her ex cheated on her so much doesn't' help.

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ya I agree...her ex messed up the whole trust thing...but you are a different person and you should be trusted if you are trust-worthy...


You have to set time apart and time together so that you don't go crazy lol. Try to work on talking to her about things you want, like guys days or whatever (even though time apart is supposed to be natural already)...but if you feel like you really don't want the relationship, then say bye...

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Whoopti Wheels (Delaware)


Reply to: see below

Date: 2009-06-27, 12:28PM EDT



Why you be postin' all them damn whoopti wheels, nobody wants dat crap.


Location: Delaware

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1242395784

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You say this like its a bad thing.


Everyone at this party was buzzed or blazed..some both, and out of nowhere someone says "close but noT cigar" on accident..


She laughed..for LITERALLY about 45 minutes. Later that evening that song from Jeezy "My president" comes on..she gets to trying to sing with it and breaks out with "my president's black but his hands are..white?"


I died. A little bit, on the inside.

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Everyone at this party was buzzed or blazed..some both, and out of nowhere someone says "close but noT cigar" on accident..


She laughed..for LITERALLY about 45 minutes. Later that evening that song from Jeezy "My president" comes on..she gets to trying to sing with it and breaks out with "my president's black but his hands are..white?"


I died. A little bit, on the inside.


i would have died competely

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I found out today why guys are usually not found riding passenger on jet-skis. I took my... I'm just gonna say cousin, out on it and let her drive. She's a fearless 12-year-old, so we ended up hitting the Waverunner's top speed(55 MPH) in rough water. It was a total blast, but I still can't quite walk straight... I'm wearing a cup next time, yowza. :crazy:


Also, would anyone like to hire a night-light? Sunscreen kinda failed on me this weekend... >_<

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