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I just purchased a 95 honda accord dx it has a 50k engine and tranny in it with 107k on the odemeter I got it for 2 grand which I think is a good buy My question is what are some things I can do to it to make sure I get the most life out of it I possibly can. IE; Maintenance, types of oil and things to look out for.

Thank you for your time


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Be wary with this vehicle. There is no good reason why the original motor only last 107k or less except for the previous owner mistreated it. Generally speaking, if you keep the oil changed, coolant topped off and change the timing belt and water pump every 80k miles or so that engine should run 200-300k without major repairs.

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I just purchased a 95 honda accord dx it has a 50k engine and tranny in it with 107k on the odemeter I got it for 2 grand which I think is a good buy My question is what are some things I can do to it to make sure I get the most life out of it I possibly can. IE; Maintenance, types of oil and things to look out for.

Thank you for your time


Nice. The Accord is the best machine Honda has ever built. Ever.

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Congrats, u should keep good car of the coolent, engine oil etc. U can also add performance chip to get good out put.



well all of it sounds good, cept that last part.


If you want the car to last for years just do preventative maintenance on it, keep it clean, and make sure you get the undercarridge retreated. The better you baby it, the longer it will last.

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well all of it sounds good, cept that last part.


If you want the car to last for years just do preventative maintenance on it, keep it clean, and make sure you get the undercarridge retreated. The better you baby it, the longer it will last.

Retreated? I just spray underneath about once a week in the winter and every time I wash away from home. Seems to be holding well with 317k on it.

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