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I ain't smoked a cigarette all day. For the first time since I can't remember. Gonna attempt to quit again I think... I'll fail, but I'll try. Thank fk for chewing gum, that just about takes the edge off. Just gonna go cold turkey, been on patches before and it didn't do sh*t, just kept me addicted...so yeah...




I quit cold turkey on the 1st of the year. Didnt really want to make a resolution of it since i always manage to fail at them. Just figured it was a good day to not touch the stuff again. (i dipped and smoked) Only advice i can give you is keep chewin that gum. The physical cravings were what i had to get past. they lasted about 3 days. After that its as simple as just not picking one up when you normally would have. good luck.

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haha. perhaps if I actually had any? I only ever carry cards. NEVER cash. And anyway- he was either cracked out or tweaking. Why would I give my perfectly good money away to a waste of space like that?

there's the whole story- http://sapphyreswedding.blogspot.com/2010/02/this-is-beginning-of-bad-horror-story.html

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thats awkward. i had a homeless guy try to come with use to a football game. good thing the back door was locked or else he would have hopped in and it wouldve gotten really awkward.


its hard to drive away when youre in bumper to bumper traffic too

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lol. I want police issue mace. and a knife to keep in the car. then again, I've always wanted a knife to keep in the car even though everyone thinks it's a stupid idea. perhaps I should invest in a taser instead.

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Lexi, knives tend to be a bad idea. Unless you actually know how to handle one in a high stress environment, and have been properly trained in it's defensive and offensive use.


And remember, if you get in a knife fight, be ready to get cut.

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Lexi... you should look into a pistol. What good is a knife in a gun fight? or a hatchet fight for that matter? You can get a pretty decent revolver for the price of a tazer and a gun is the best way to put yourself on an equal or elevated playing field.

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i recommend knowing how to use a gun first. and not being afraid to do so. i go to the range often, and if it comes down to me and someone else, i win. guns are not a problem, morons are.

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Lexi... you should look into a pistol. What good is a knife in a gun fight? or a hatchet fight for that matter? You can get a pretty decent revolver for the price of a tazer and a gun is the best way to put yourself on an equal or elevated playing field.

I laughed when my mother suggested that. But then again, she also suggested loading it with rubber bullets so that I could just damage them enough to scare them, not kill them... which kind of defeats the purpose if they have a loaded gun. I don't want a gun- if I had one, I'd also have to have a ccw, which is another thing I don't want to deal with trying to get.


I've been in fights where someone's pulled a knife before. I can handle knives. More than once I've been threatened with one and turned it back on them. (admittedly, those times were with ex's) And as I pointed out to Gorden, if I'd been able to get into his car, I wouldn't have pulled out the baseball bat he keeps in there- I would've pulled out the k-bar he has. The knife's easier to get to than the bat is, and i don't have a strong enough swing to do any damage with a bat anyway. a quick swipe across the back of the knees or the ankles with a knife and they couldn't go anywhere or really do anything- nor would it be a life threatening injury if it was treated correctly.



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lol. I want police issue mace. and a knife to keep in the car. then again, I've always wanted a knife to keep in the car even though everyone thinks it's a stupid idea. perhaps I should invest in a taser instead.


mase is ok you just have to be quick about it and aim right

Lexi, knives tend to be a bad idea. Unless you actually know how to handle one in a high stress environment, and have been properly trained in it's defensive and offensive use.


And remember, if you get in a knife fight, be ready to get cut.


nobody wins in a knife fight...unless you bring a gun

i always bring a gun. fvck a knife fight.



That is probably the most stupid idea going. With a knife, if it went bad and somebody got hold of it off her, then she'd end up getting cut up and she'd live, if it went bad with a gun, she'd end up getting her head blown off. A gun is never the answer. I know u Americans think differently about guns to us Brits, to be honest your gun culture is completely retarded IMO, but telling her to get a gun to protect herself is just idiotic. Guns are never the answer.


get a stun gun. not a taser. carry mase for backup when you get a chance to aim and shoot


ive been mased, tazed, stun gunned, and stabbed. of all the above being stabbed was the scariest. mase was close second because i couldnt breathe or see. taser just sucks ass, sent me into convulsions. funny thing is. none of this came from any kind of security guard or cop...

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That is probably the most stupid idea going. With a knife, if it went bad and somebody got hold of it off her, then she'd end up getting cut up and she'd live, if it went bad with a gun, she'd end up getting her head blown off. A gun is never the answer. I know u Americans think differently about guns to us Brits, to be honest your gun culture is completely retarded IMO, but telling her to get a gun to protect herself is just idiotic. Guns are never the answer.

so how are you supposed to defend yourself against an armed attacker? if it comes between my life or his, the choice will be obvious.

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That is probably the most stupid idea going. With a knife, if it went bad and somebody got hold of it off her, then she'd end up getting cut up and she'd live, if it went bad with a gun, she'd end up getting her head blown off. A gun is never the answer. I know u Americans think differently about guns to us Brits, to be honest your gun culture is completely retarded IMO, but telling her to get a gun to protect herself is just idiotic. Guns are never the answer.



Seb I'm not sure if you realize this, but there are a huge population of Brits that are still pissed that your government denied them the right to have firearms.


They confiscated millions of firearms from law abiding citizens, destroyed them, and did nothing to compensate them for their loss of property. And in fact some of the firearms that were arbitrarily destroyed were worth millions of dollars, or so rare that there may be only one or two left in the world. Or none at all now.


Our gun culture is solidly based around our Constitution, the basis for all laws in this country, and was put there so that we as a people will always have the means to defend ourselves and our country should the need arise. We, Americans, as a nation can rise as a militia and put down an invasion, if it were to ever happen, or forcefully remove an oppressive government. A right guaranteed to us over 230 years ago by from very smart British descendants.


Your country on the other hand would be screwed, and be begging our military to help defend you. It's akin to the French hating us because we like guns, but if it weren't for our guns, you'd all be speaking German,.

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I'm glad you are ok, Lexi.


I don't think any weapon is useful if you aren't well-trained...unless it's pepper spray that shoots far so you can do that...??


Javy, why do you hate your job? I see you having your own business. Seems like people aren't competent enough for you to work with them :D

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Seb I'm not sure if you realize this, but there are a huge population of Brits that are still pissed that your government denied them the right to have firearms.


They confiscated millions of firearms from law abiding citizens, destroyed them, and did nothing to compensate them for their loss of property. And in fact some of the firearms that were arbitrarily destroyed were worth millions of dollars, or so rare that there may be only one or two left in the world. Or none at all now.


Our gun culture is solidly based around our Constitution, the basis for all laws in this country, and was put there so that we as a people will always have the means to defend ourselves and our country should the need arise. We, Americans, as a nation can rise as a militia and put down an invasion, if it were to ever happen, or forcefully remove an oppressive government. A right guaranteed to us over 230 years ago by from very smart British descendants.


Your country on the other hand would be screwed, and be begging our military to help defend you. It's akin to the French hating us because we like guns, but if it weren't for our guns, you'd all be speaking German,.





(no offense seb)

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