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Actually mate, you're talking sh*t. I've never come across one single person that would like it so that guns would be legal in this country. In fact, I think the VAST majority of people in this country would still vote now not to have guns legal in this country. It makes it safer for everyone, because, for example, if the police here carried guns like the american police do, it means that the criminals would then carry guns to defend themselves/fight against the police, which then would mean the general public would have to carry guns to protect themselves against the criminals... it's like one vicious circle. You're country may have guns due to the constitution, but remember that was written in a time that was very very different, and it is probably hard for you to see that it is completely retarded and has fked up your country, and about how many guns are now in circulation in the states, if guns were made illegal years and years ago, that number would be greatly smaller, and a lot more people would be alive today. Like the impression I get from the USA is that guns are just fine. Even if it is a fking AK or something.... Like wasn't it on halloween that some kid got shredded by an AK by some crazy dude, just cos he knocked on his door to trick or treat? WTF! You just wouldn't get that over here. Yeah you hear of kids getting shot up in gangland violence n so on ever now and again in London n Birmingham, but its not really that much of a regular occurrence. The likelyhood of a regular person getting threatened with a gun is slim to none. Much different from your part of the world.

Plus who cares that millions of guns were destroyed, rare or not?! the more that are destroyed the better.

You may think that your country may be fine if you had an invasion or whatever, but that ain't gonna happen is it... You'll blow the sh*t out of whatever country is even thinking of attacking you before they step foot on your soil. So it's not exactly a valid reason to have guns now is it?!

My country would not be 'screwed' as you put it, we do have a pretty fking good army too...one which is fighting your damn war.

And also you can't bring in saying 'if it weren't for your guns we'd be speaking german'. that is a load of sh*t, if it weren't for your nuclear bomb on japan, we'd all be speaking German, and plus you only joined the war at the end... but meh, that's all another story.





The fact that all of you broke down into this useless argument: All owned.


so true lol

There's a reason why our people live in separate countries on opposite sides of the ocean: so we don't try to throttle each other.


ive got a boat...and a plane ticket

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I think you need to read up on your history a little bit. Us dropping a bomb on Japan had nothing to do with the victory in Europe.


The Germans surrendered to US forces on May 8, 1945.


The Japanese surrendered on August 15, 1945.


Historically owned.


Your army has 8,600 British soldiers in one little corner of Afghanistan, we have 112,000 soldiers all over A'stan with 30,000 more headed there this summer.


Bout damn time ya'll help us out in a war.


And if the 8600 soldiers in A'stan from GB are straining your fighting forces, how would they repel an invasion?

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I gave up a lot of things for lent so each thing distracts me from thinking too much about the others.


School keeps me busy too... and I'll be starting work soon.


Lexi, I didn't even eat anything for the first few days after the wisdom teeth came out. That's probably not what you're worried about though...

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That is probably the most stupid idea going. With a knife, if it went bad and somebody got hold of it off her, then she'd end up getting cut up and she'd live, if it went bad with a gun, she'd end up getting her head blown off. A gun is never the answer. I know u Americans think differently about guns to us Brits, to be honest your gun culture is completely retarded IMO, but telling her to get a gun to protect herself is just idiotic. Guns are never the answer.


You are a Brit so your not allowed to talk to me about guns or politics ever. Cuz yall have fu*ked those up about as completely as you can. But since you brought it up, we do have a different culture regarding guns than you do. Here criminals have guns. So tell me, why in the fu*k would you want to put yourself at a disadvantage? The argument about the gun getting taken from her? Really? Do you believe everything the media tells you? That kinda thing just doesn't happen. The chances of getting hurt with your own gun is so small you have a better chance of being in a airplane crash. The only thing a criminal is afraid of is an armed intended victim. They want the easiest target possible. Just look at the cities in America that ban guns, or severely restrict them. They have some of the highest violent crime rates in our country. A lot of the time the mere thought that a victim might have a gun is enough to deter a criminal.


You are entitled to your own opinion about guns. But to think that a gun is the problem instead of blaming the real problem is retarded. You can't blame a tool for actions of a person. Personal responsibility is a great thing. Yes, guns make it easier to do harm, but those intent on doing it will find a way with or without a gun. Just take a look at your violent crime rates before guns were banned and after. Look at the rates for Australia. Hell, look at the countries that have banned firearms in the past. You will see whose argument is retarded.


You can continue to think that a firearm is not the answer. Good luck with that begging for your life when someone kicks in your door. Im sure they wont hurt you just b/c you tell them its not nice to do that.

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haha dontbe nervous, youll be knocked out. the worst part of it is when the vikes wear off later in the day. then you just take more:D

the worst part is realizing that vikoden doesn't work at all on you :dry:



and ya'll need to chill out about the gun laws stuff. you bring out the worst in each other when an argument comes out over the internet. it's the internet......


but my .02+ cents, if you attack me or my family i will defend them to the point where you will be incapable (physically or mentally) of attacking us again. a gun would make it easier, and i like having the choice, but i'll use the other tools i have ready around my house ....

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the worst part is realizing that vikoden doesn't work at all on you :dry:



it fcking sucked. they made me wait for an hour longer than i was supposed to, the laughing gas didn't do anything and they had to up the dose in the iv to knock me out. the IV wore off during the 20 minute car ride home. the novocaine wore off just after that. so now I have a bunch of discomfort. they gave me motrin and hydrocodone. I took the motrin but it's not doing anything- I really don't want to take the hydrocodone till later tonight when I want to go to bed. But I'm not sure that'll even work all that well on me anyway since I've built up an immunity to codeine over the years. And my dad forgot to take the script for the Phenergan with him so... no more sedatives/antihistimine/anti-nausea pills at the moment. I haven't eaten anything since 5pm yesterday and I'm starving but I hate pretty much any kind of food with a smooth texture such as puddings, yoghurt, jello, mashed potatoes etc. I want quiche.

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I opted for a general... but whatever they used wore off really, REALLY fast. then again, my body has a tendency to process chemicals at a much higher rate than most people. now if only it could do that with food. lol.

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