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Need help with a lighting problem.


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I posted on honda tech and got no replies so I'm going to try here and see if I can get some advice. But anyways....So after getting rained on for about two days, (not sure if this is the cause of the problem or just pure coincidence) I left a friend house and had no cluster lights, side lights, or tail lights. The blinkers, headlights, gear indicator lights, odometer light, stereo, ect. all still work. I have checked all fuses related to lighting, replaced all relays in under dash fuse box with ones I know work, took the dimmer relay out cleaned up the connections, put it back together reinstalled it and still have nothing. Cleaning the dimmer and it still not working is no indication that it is necessarily good but, I thought I would give it a try. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which wires ect. I should check the volts on the find the problem? I looked under the dash while I had it apart and didn't see any melted wires. Thanks to everyone in advance I really appreciate it. =]

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what year and model acccord... we need more info..


if its wired like a civic (and it should be close) corner lights, tail lights and gauge cluster only have 1 thing in common.. thats the on-off switch on the column,

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i was just thinking, all the things that don't work are based off the first click on your switch, its corners (and tails) then headlights... id guess its either the switch(whole knob) or the wiring at it... that would just make sense. like i said before, i don't know how they are wired since i don't work on that year.

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