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New to the Hondas, my twin 17 yr old grandsons decided to install an aftermarket radio themselves and butchered the daash wiring harness. The main issue right now is that it killed the alternator, so they were having to jump start and yes someone managed to hook up the jumper cables backwards. So now no power to anything. Where do I need to start looking to try and fix this issue so the daughter can once again be able to get to work on her own. Any advice and hand holding will be much appreciated.






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Theres most likely a short from the aftermarket radio. I would first check the wiring job on the radio, or check out the car battery current(should be an active from 12-14volts) could be a voltage drop if there is a drain somewhere that could also cause the alternator to not work properly.

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no power with the key in any position, absolutely nothing works, one window is part of the way down and can not get it to move either up or down, radio is not in the car at this time. Am going to go direct to the window motor to put it up but need some guidance on what might have gone poof when it was jumped wrong. I am used to Fords, Volvos and Datsuns (not Nissans)!! will see if anyone can check the computer out of the car. Thanks for the replies.

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not sure, you can pull the case off and see if anything looks fried. or find someone that will let you put it in their car. if it doesn't do anything in any position, its probably the mains that are fried, check fuses under the hood.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just recently a friend of mine found out that my main fuse was blown. the moron who owned the car before me appears to have bent the two pieces in together so that each half was still touching. I've had my car for nearly three years, and it's probably been like that all along, which is crazy. my friend was shocked when he saw that and said the only thing he could think of that would blow a main fuse is someone attempting a jump with the cables switched up. take a look at it - it's covered in a black plastic piece that's clear on top. it's $8 fix if it's bad.


good luck.

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New to the Hondas, my twin 17 yr old grandsons decided to install an aftermarket radio themselves and butchered the daash wiring harness.


Next time, no one should ever have to butcher any harness to install a radio (tho it may be tempting), there's quick-fix plug & play adapters that turn a 1+ hr hack job into a swap that takes less than 10 minutes. they cost like $6 at walmart.

Sorry that happened. oh well, I bet they'll learn somethin.

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