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Pulled over


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so... driving back to college and im just pulling out of the hockey rink near my house. i see the cop sitting at the light, and my radar goes off. so i pull out all nice, downshift low so my exhaust isnt too loud. he dissapears out of my rearview mirror and i think nothing of it.


figures, out of nowhere i see cop lights and hes pulling me over.


it was a state trooper so of course he was a dumbhead. he asks me for my liscense and registration, so i pull out my liscence thats in a little wallet with a badge on the other side and a personal little note (gotta love connections). he tells me to take out my liscense. he tells me hes pulling me over for my exhaust, and i proceed to tell him im getting it changed ( i really am too haa). of course he just ignores me, n then tells me to let him see the badge. he tells me to thank my "godfather" (the card says please extend all professional courteousies to my godson joseph :-D hehe) and have a nice day.


just another dumbhead state trooper tryin to ticket a kid. they got nothing better to do. thank god i have that badge, notecard and a little state trooper sticker :-)

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my gf got pulled over last night. she had a tail light out on her new car (which we took back to the dealer yesterday to get cleaned and for them to replace the taillight and a few other things...of course they "forgot" to do the light.) the cop didn't do anything to her, just told her to take it back to the dealership and tell them to fix it asap.

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at least she got off... i always seem to run into the cops (and of course state troopers) who are the buttheads. good thing for that badge tho :D


haha as much as i would like to send you one stuckmofo, i only have one :(

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Hell yeah, heh. I got pulled over by a chick-cop on a dirt bike over near these windy roads ON MY WAY to go thrash 'em up, heh, didn't ge tickted since it was a school zone and there weren't any kids and I also had 2 people in the car, witnesses REALLY REALLY help guys.

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